Chapter One

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"Hey. Um. It's me, Nikolaj. Look I uh- I shouldn't have said what I said. I'm really sorry about that. I let my emotions get to me and- and I didn't mean it. You know I didn't mean it. I just really need to talk to you, so if you could call me back, I'd be- I'd really appreciate it. Thanks"

"Message deleted", came the electronic voice from the phone.

"Hey, it's me again. Listen, I'm really sorry. I need to know what's going on with the ba-", he'd begun but she suddenly hit the button, deleting it.

"Message deleted".

"I don't want to keep blowing your phone up. Really I don't. But, it's been three days and I really need to talk to you. I'm very, very sorry about how things went last Saturday. I didn't mean to- I didn't mean to insinuate anything and it wasn't fair of me to throw that in your face. Anyways, um. Give me a call back. Or text me or whatever. I just really need to talk to you. Thanks. Bye".

"Message deleted"

"Valerie, please answer my calls or call me back. I need to know what's going on. I-"

"Message deleted"

"It's Nik again and-"

"Message deleted"

She pulled her blanket to her chest tightly as she sobbed in to it.

"You'd only personally known me for six hours before you opened your legs to me. Six hours, and you were letting me take your virginity. How do I know how many damn men you've been with since! If you'd let a complete stranger have you after just six hours, because he's an actor you like, well, how do I know that baby is mine?", he'd said that night.

It was cruel. She'd met him at a convention and they seemed to really hit it off. He was her favorite actor. She idolized the man. And so when he asked if she'd like to get a few drinks, she didn't turn him down. Nor did she turn him down when he led her back to his hotel room. And she certainly didn't turn him down as he had sex with her. She'd thought the man was sweet. She thought he was a good guy. But when she told him she was pregnant, he threw it in her face that she'd slept with him so soon without even knowing him. Something she wished she could take back more than anything. He insinuated she was a whore. And it wasn't fair. She'd only ever been with him.

"How do I know how many men you've been with?", he'd asked.

"You know I was a virgin that night!", she said back.

"Yeah, that night. That night when you let me, a total stranger, get between your legs? Oh I know all about that night! It's the nights after that that I don't know about. I don't know how many men you've been with since me".

"What- are you- are you serious right now?", she'd said in response, hurt. When he gave a shrug, she grew angry.

"I told you! I told you you've been the only one! Do you think I'm out fucking every single guy I meet?", she asked.

He shrugged again. "You met me. You had me in you six hours later", he answered.

"Get out!", she'd yelled. "Get the fuck out!". It was then the tears began to fall, and he seemed to realize how much of an ass he was being. He'd let his emotions get the better of him and he instantly regretted it.

"I'm- I'm sorry", he said. "Look I just meant-", but she cut him off. "I said get out! Forget it! You're right! I'm a massive whore and it's not yours! Just forget I even told you. Forget I'm pregnant! Just fucking forget it, and get out!", she'd yelled.

"How can I forget something like that?", he asked. But she'd simply yelled at him to leave once more.

"I said get the fuck out! Leave!". And with that, he relented. Walking towards the door before saying "I don't think you're a whore. I didn't mean- I never meant- I just- how am I supposed to forget that? I'm not going to just forget that, if it's my child I need to be-", but she cut him off.

"Leave and forget it!", she'd said again. And this time he sighed, making his way out the door. He'd give her some time to calm down. He'd been a massive asshole. Something he never meant. He was just upset and let his emotions take the best of him. It was only a few hours later before he called her, trying to apologize and talk it over, but she'd deleted all the messages he left without even listening to them. Over the next few days he would send multiple a day. And today was no exception.

She was sitting on the bed crying in to her blanket. Hearing his voice had been painful. She hated him. She wanted nothing more than to take that night back. She'd given the man her virginity, and he threw it in her face. He'd used it against her. She was a stupid girl who'd met her favorite actor, and gave him something so precious. She thought he was a good guy. She thought he was sweet, and kind. He'd been so nice that day and that night- that night he'd been such a sweet, gentle lover. But he'd been a complete asshole the last time they spoke, when she told him she was pregnant.

She'd been so scared. The moment she found out, she'd been so scared. She was nineteen years old and pregnant. Not only pregnant, but pregnant with a forty four year old actor's child. And she thought telling him would ease her fear. Of course he'd take care of it. Of course he'd comfort her, and tell her everything would be alright. He was such a sweet guy. But no, that's not what he did at all. He looked absolutely shocked, going so pale. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!", he'd gasped, running his hand through his hair. And then he'd asked it. "How do I know it's mine". That question had set off a chain of events that made her regret that night so much. She wished she'd never had sex with him. Hell, she wished she'd never met him!

She wasn't mad at first. A little taken aback, but no mad. "It is", she'd answered. "You're the only one I've been with, remember?". "How do I know that?", he'd asked. And thus he started acting like a total jerk. That's when he'd begun to act like a complete ass and everything went downhill.

Just then the phone rang. She half expected it to be him, but it wasn't. When she saw the number and the caller I.D she couldn't help but cry harder for a moment, before wiping her tears away, getting ahold of herself.

"Hello?", she asked as she answered it.

"Hi, miss Andersen?", the friendly voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes", she said.

"Hi, I'm calling in behalf of Dr. Miles. We've just wanted to confirm your scheduled abortion. Will Tuesday morning at nine o'clock work for you?", the woman asked.

She had to fight back tears. "Yes. Yes that'll work", she said, struggling not to cry.

When she'd hung up the phone with the abortion clinic she began to sob in to her blanket even harder. It was the last thing she wanted to do. But she didn't know what else to do. She didn't want to have his baby. Not when he'd be an asshole, dead beat father who didn't even think it was his. She told him to forget about it. He didn't even think the child was his. How could she have a child with a famous actor anyways? Especially one who didn't even believe the child was his.

It was then her phone rang again. She picked it up, saw that it was him, and threw it back down on to the blanket.

"Fuck off!", she said to herself. She knew he'd left another message due to the little beep and it saying "new voicemail".

She didn't want to hear his voice. She didn't want to hear what he had to say. She hated him. And Tuesday, she'd solve the issue.

Tuesday, it'd all be over with. 

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