01. Heart On Fire

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➳ Theme song for this chapter: Heart On Fire

Dear Jackson,

        They say that writing letters is a lost art, especially to someone you love, but I disagree. Maybe because I've always been into all the cliche, Tumblr, girly things. Of course I'm not actually going to send this letter to you, who would? No offense. I feel so nervous writing this letter; I don't even know what to write, even though I'm basically writing something right now.

         Let's start with our beginning. We were both five year olds playing at the local park. I was on the swing set with my mom and you were there playing with the monkey bars with your dad. The first thing I noticed about you was the sense of confidence surrounding you. Of course, I didn’t even know what confidence was at that time, but I could still feel it; ya know? And I have to admit, it wasn’t the confidence that you had that made me notice you, it was your hair! I mean, you were the only person at the park with such neatly groomed hair. I don't remember how or what happened after that, but I do remember that we would have play dates every Monday. Remember, when summer was ending and our parents said that we had to stop seeing each other because we lived on opposite sides of the town and went to different schools? I cried like crazy and you would keep on throwing tantrums; it makes me laugh each time I think about it. Thankfully our parents gave in and let us hang out on the weekends.

        I also remember the first time I realized the fact I was in love with you. It wasn't how John Green said it was like. Instead, I fell in love with you the way you would slap someone, fast and hard. By now, we were neighbors and freshmens. Your parents were already divorced and mine were on the verge to getting one. As I said before, it happened suddenly, after you dumped ice cream on me at the same park we met at and I looked up at you, I knew I loved you. But I didn't say anything because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, and now I'm a bit pissed at myself. Because we've changed a lot since our childhood days, and now my love for you is growing stronger. But we can't get together now can we? You're the player who never dates and I'm the weird fangirl.  Plus, we'll be going to different colleges soon in the fall. I'll be attending NYU while you'll be staying here and attending USC.

                                                                               With much love,


Author's Note: Next chapter will be in Jackson's point of view, and he won't be writing letters, so if you're not a fan of the whole letters thing, don't worry. And I apologize for my terrible writing in advance. 

Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour (I also loved The Disenchantments by her)

➳ For Wattpad: Just That Pizza Guy by pineapple is super funny, and Noah and Leigh by colourlessness is super adorable.

➳  Everyone should watch Perks of Being A Wallflower 

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