02. Only Hope (Jackson)

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I cannot stop this growing feeling.

The cause of my insanity,

The cause of my anxiety.

Why are you making me suffer mon amour?

Why can’t you accept that you, my dear,

are the stars to my dark night sky.

You are the cause of my pain, my happiness, and all the other emotions in between.

You make me feel like a bird-

I would fly so high that

when I reach the sky,

 I would always fall back down.

Author's Note: So I decided to enter the Sad Thought competition and this is going to be my entry as well as the next "chapter" to this story. 

➳ A World Away by Nancy Grossman

Satin Shirts by xPureChances and The Boyfriend Relay by rodens

Maleficent is a pretty good movie :); Slow, but good.

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