Chapter 1

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"You have an assignment. I have no doubt you'll be able to carry out your duties, here is your case file." My boss gives me the case file for me to look over. The name of the person is Kim Jooyoung. His ethnicity is Korean, he's 6ft tall, his hair is currently blonde, and he's a ladies man. "Your assignment is to locate him and bring him in for questioning. You'll be also assigned a partner. Mr. Hong will join you."

I see Siyoung walk into the room with a noticeable smirk. My heart melts at the sight of him and he knows it. "I'll leave you two to discuss the case. Don't disappoint me." Mr.Min then leaves alone. Siyoung waits for the door to close and then pulls me closer. "Did you miss me?" He leans in and crashes his lips on mine making me almost fall in the process. "Of course I did, we don't work together often..." He bites his lip looking me over.

"Well I guess we need to change that then don't we?" He connects our lips again putting up against the wall for support. As much as I love kissing him we have work to do."We should be going over the case..." "Right..."

We sit more professionally at the table and go over the case file. "It says he frequently hangs around the AOMG Club with a man named Park Jaebum who is also the owner. Do you want to check it out?" He smirks. "I have no problem with that."

"Okay baby you'll be the bait to get him in. Do what you have to but don't cross the line, I don't want to kill anyone tonight." We're currently in disguise as regular club goers but upperclass. I nod quickly getting into character.

When we enter my eyes immediately find the VIP section and head straight over there. The security guard guarding the entrance had a clipboard with names on it. I just walk up and I can tell he's staring me up and down. "Name?" I smirk and move closer to him. "I'll give it to you but will you let me in?" I can tell he's nervous because of his body language. "Just
g-go right in." He lifts the cord letting me pass easily.

"Baby you have that magic touch. Hopefully you can get that Jaebum guy."' Siyoung is talking in my ear through a seamless earpiece. I agree quickly while scanning the room and I spot a guy with a bunch of women around him. He looks my way and catches my gaze before telling all the girls to leave him. He beckons me to come over to him. "What's your name beautiful? I've never seen you around here before."

I mentally roll my eyes. "Maya, I just moved around here. Your English is pretty good." He chuckles a bit, caressing my hair. "I'm originally from the U.S but I live here now. It's funny but I feel as though I met you before..." I hear Siyoung groan in my ear. "If we weren't on an assignment I would cause a scene."

"I get that a lot, I'm a model so you've probably seen me around." He looks at me with a glint in his eyes. "What kind of model? I can see you're in the right line of work." "Victoria Secret." I've got him in a hungry daze when the man of the hour walks in and I advert my gaze towards him.


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I slyly make my way over to him after a long while of talking to the womanizer Jaebum. Jooyoung sips on a fruity drink while eyeing me. "Hey do you want to get out of here? I know a more private place." He nods and follows me out the VIP section. Siyoung is by the entrance and sees us coming. I take a slight turn towards the private rooms giving him a signal to follow me.

As soon as we get into the room I turn and apply my knockout lipstick. I turn to see Jooyoung is very close so I just swallow my pride and kiss him. He's not a bad kisser actually but I know he's starting to feel the effects of my lipstick. "Remember my face when you wake up okay?" He passes out so I signal for Siyoung to help me out.

I just can't wait to tell the boss how easy it was to get this guy.

"Baby next time when I say do whatever it takes, don't kiss them." I smile and pinch my boyfriend's face. "Are you jealous?"

 "Are you jealous?"

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"...yeah I am."

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