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"A toast to the groom!"
"A toast to the bride!"
"From your sisters, who are always by your side!"
"To your union (to the revolution)!"
"And the hope that you provide!"
"May you always be satisfied!"

An after party to remember;
Alexander had his arm around my waist. He had promised to never let me go, and he was certainly keeping to that promise. He squeezed me and steered me in as we talked and drank with friends and family. My dearest sisters held many toasts all congratulating Alex and his achievements, congratulating me on my resemblance of my mother. We take the first dance, a slow waltz and Alex whispers in my ear, confesses his sins in the hope I won't judge. I don't. I love listening to his voice. It fills me with confidence, something I haven't felt since I was a small child. A sort of love that can only be given by a mother, if that makes any sense. I could listen to Alex all day, everyday. Gradually, other couples joined us on the dance floor. Angelica dances with John Laurens, and they both looked as though they would rather be dancing with Alex. My Peggy is with Lafayette, chatting away happily, although eyeing up another young chap whom I don't know the name of. Mulligan was with Aggie, one of my friends. I am happy beyond belief, my sisters look as though they are enjoying themselves and I am with Alex and nothing can stop us now...

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