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"Eliza, it's been a stressful day. How about you head upstairs, grab a bath and then go to sleep?"
"You know what, I might just do that. Thanks Angelica!" Eliza said in a new found happiness.

I slipped into my warm bath. The doctor had said that when I was stressed, the baby would kick more, but it was really kicking, sharp pains getting closer and closer...
I had time to reflect on what I was missing most, missing Alex's voice, his warmth, his touch and his ability to sort things out. He fixed everything but we hadn't heard anything from anyone. Angelica thinks that's good, if we don't hear he's still alive. Even if that is the case, it doesn't put my mind at rest...

"Eliza, Eliza, are you ok?"
"Yes, yes I'm coming now!"
"Do you need a hand?"
"I'm fine Angelica, but can you stay in my room please?"

I pulled on my nightdress and ran to my room but stopped dead in the doorway. I was paralysed in pain, another baby pain and I could hear water on the floor.
"Eliza! Eliza lie down! I'll call a doctor!"
"What? Angelica why?"
"This is what happens before you have a baby!"

I couldn't breath. Alex wasn't here and I was to have the child on my own...
"Eliza, Eliza, I have a letter for you, the script looks familiar!"
"Peggy, the baby is coming, read it to me and stay by my side. Please!"

"Dear Eliza Schuyler Hamilton,
I have the shear sorrow to announce the lateness of this letter. Your husband was sent home one hour ago, once we had negotiated the terms of surrender. You should be incredibly proud of your husband and I hope you will, in time forgive me for the lateness of this letter.
Many good returns, G.W"

"He's alive, he's coming home!"
I meant to look exited, but I was struggling to breath, let alone express my emotions.
"Eliza? My daughter. I am so sorry, I am here now. Shh, it's ok, it's ok."
"It hurts daddy!" I whisper.
"They aren't sending anyone," Angelica had just entered the room, "they say they are too busy dealing with casualties from the war. Have you heard-"
"He's alive, coming home!"

Aghhhhhhh. I am breathing heavily now. 'I can't do it!' I'd repeat, only to be hushed down again.

"Eliza, you are putting yourself at risk. You need to have the baby now."
" I keep telling you, I can't do it!" I cry. Tears flood down my face. I suddenly writhe and scream in pain. I hear the door close. When I open my eyes, Angelica isn't there.
Papa is slowly edging away from me, trying to be subtle, but failing worse in the attempt. I tried to focus in on the baby again, tried to slow the whole thing down, waiting for a Alex to return. My eyes closed with tiredness. I knew Angelica was right, I knew I had to have the child but no one understood that I couldn't. I couldn't do it.

It was just me and Peggy, once again, Peggy to the rescue. She didn't say anything, make me do anything, she was perfect. My breathing was unsteady, sharp pains ached in my sides and my head spinning.
"Eliza? I'm home!" Said a joyous voice, "Eliza?" They added uncertainly. It was the handsome voice that could belong to no one other than my Alex, my handsome gorgeous Alex, home at last.
In opened my mouth to respond but a shrill scream was all that left my mouth. Sensing danger, I could hear Alex charging up the stairs.
He looked just as I remembered him, however he was untidy and unshaven, small scratches littering his perfect face.
"Oh my-" he whispered upon entering the room and seeing the chaos "it's ok Eliza it is I promise!" He said to me loud and clear, although I heard him whisper to himself whilst setting doing his jacket "I've just fought a war, seen casualties, heard screaming, I'll be fine, I'll do it for her."
Alex went to the end of the bed and spread my legs apart, ready for the moment. He put his hands upon my knees and his touch made me shiver with happiness.
"Eliza," he said "Eliza I'm here. You're ok, Peggy and I are here for you, but you have to listen to me now, you have to have the baby ok, because we've waited so long to meet them and I've waited so long to hug you!" He said.

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