The Cake

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Judas is 2 years old, Jesus is 8, Judas and Jesus are making a cake.

Jesus asked him to get some flour, now Jesus planted flowers in the backyard with his mom, and Judas thinks that he's talking about ACTUAL FLOWERS. So he goes and gets the flowers Jesus planted, comes back and shows Jesus a rose to put in the cake.

"Judas, that is a rose. I meant flour, It is a powder in the cupboard."😐

Judas: 😮

Judas goes and gets a white powder, this is weed. A neighbor made it for medical purposes.

"Judas, no! That is bad! Put that back! Get the brown powder from the bottom cupboard over there--" Jesus points to the cupboard in the corner of the room "...Give me that, and go get the powder!"

Judas looks at him, gives him the weed, and runs off to the counter.

Jesus puts it in the top cupboard.

He is relieved.

At least he gave it to him.

Judas came back and gave him the powder, Jesus looked inside the bag, he is right.

It is red.

"Get me the other bag, Judas. This powder is red." 😓

Judas runs to the cupboard, he grabs the nearest bag of brown powder, Jesus is relieved. It is the right powder.

Oh my gosh.

He is funny.

Jesus puts the powder in the food, Judas runs to more things, he wanted to help some more.

He brings back everything.

Literally everything in the cupboard.

Most of them Jesus rejected because they didn't go in the cake.

Some he kept because they needed it for the cake.

When they finished making it, they grabbed the cake out of the stove and brought it to the table, and then he asked Judas

"Next time, if you don't know what it is, ask me first."

"OK." Judas runs off to play.

Jesus laughed.

He cuts the cake and puts it all on plates, it is his mother's birthday.

This is fun.

He slides all the plates on the table, He is having fun.

Mary walks in and says "Jesus? What happened to the flowers?"

"Judas stepped on them while trying to get the flour I wanted to put in the cake I made for you."

"What?! We made those together!"

"It is OK. We'll grow more."

"Judas Come here!"

"He is 2, mom."

"Yes. I'm coming!"
Judas said as he ran into the room.

"Judas, did you step on the flowers?"


He knew he was in trouble.

Mary looked at him in anger, Jesus said "He is only 2, mom. He doesn't understand."

He runs to the other room, Judas that is.

He is running as fast as he can, omgosh.

"Judas!" Mary yells.

This is funny, Oh Judas.

He runs into his room and hides under the bed.

His mother follows, "Judas get out of there!"

Jesus follows.

He is laughing.

Judas is hiding.

Judas looks out the bed, "Mother, calm down, he is a baby!"

Jesus says

His mother calms down, she thought of this in a more sensible way. She looked under the bed, and said: "Judas, come out, I won't punish you."

He looks out from under the bed, thought a bit, and says "No!"

Jesus decides to coerce HIM out of the bed.

He says "You know, if you don't get out of there, you won't get any of the good cake we baked."

Judas looks out surprised, basically, like: ...Wuat...?

He looks out from under the bed with his poking out and says "What do you mean...?"

He says "Am I getting cake?"

"Yes, but only if you get from under the bed. I'm gonna eat your piece of you don't."

Jesus is telling the truth. He never lies. Not once. In his whole life. He will eat that piece of cake. He means it fo' real. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Jesus looks down at him, and then Jesus looks at the piece of cake Jesus brought. This was planned.

Jesus eat's a piece, and then lick's his lips in hunger as he stares down at it.

Judas is like: That's my piece.

It is the piece Judas asked for. Oh my pooper googles, he will eat it.

Judas gets out from under that bed and yells "It's MINE!!!"


"Give me my baby back!"

He asked for it repeatedly, and until Jesus was sure he wasn't gonna run off with it back under the cover under the bed, he gave it to him, and Judas runs off happily like NOT MY CAKE.

And then they put the cake on the table as they placed Judas in a high Chair like seat for him.

Judas grabs the cake and eats it. He shares it with nobody.

Not even his mother.


The end.

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