Yamaguchi (ma boi) X Tsukishima

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Just so you guys know, because schools being a piece of crap, I will only be able to post/update on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. im only posting today because I finished my homework early. but i may or may not post on those days either. just so ya know.

The sky had darkened, it was late at night, Tsukki was laying awake staring at the ceiling above his bed. His clock beeped once, midnight. 'I guess this counts as my birthday, I hate it.' Tsukishima hated his birthday. His phone buzzed. It looked over to see who in their right mind would message him so late at night. It was Yamaguchi. 

Yams: Hey, I don't think you're up but, Happy Birthday Tsukki!

Tsukki: Hey I'm up. You should know I don't like my Birthday, Yamaguchi. Anyway, get to sleep we've got practice in the morning. 

Yams: Okay goodnight Tsukki

Tsukki: 'night

The two fell asleep, knowing the other was going to sleep as well. The next morning was, uh, interesting for Tsukishima. He was late meeting up with Yamaguchi 'cause he was daydreaming. "TSUKKI!!" He looked up to see his best friend running towards him. "Happy birthday." Yamaguchi was out of breath Tsukki tilted his head. Tadashi looked up. "What?" Yamaguchi turned around. "Nothing, let's start walking." The two started on their way. When they were two minutes away from the school, Yamaguchi stopped in his tracks. Tsukki stopped and turned around. "What's wrong, you're never like this." Yamaguchi grabbed Tsukki's arms. "I need to say something." Tsukki nodded. "I. I. Kei Tsukishima, I believe I am in love with you!" Two things from this surprised Tsukki, the fact his best friend just confessed to him, and Yamaguchi Said his given name. "T-Tadashi, I, I think the same thing you do." Yamaguchi face soon grew red. Tsukki placed his hands on either side of the smaller males face. Pulled him closer than he ever had before, and placed his lips on the cute freckled boy in front of him. Yamaguchi wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck, deepening the kiss between them.  The kiss was soft and special. They broke apart for air, right before Tanaka showed up. "YEAH! YOU GET 'EM YAMAGUCHI!!" The two males jumped slightly looking over at Tanaka. "You speak of this to no one." Tskishima barked. "Got it." 

Sorry, Short but sweet, writing this reminded me how lonely I am. :'(

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