The truth

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Hey guys! This chapter is kind of short and I really appreciate the reads and votes. This is my first fanfic so I really appreciate it! Please comment what you think. Love you!😀😊
Team 7 woke up when the first light appeared in the morning sky. Sakura sent a letter to Tsunsde about the situation and requested for back up.

*knock knock*
"Hello, granny". Sakura said.
"Hello dear. I just came to check on your guys. I just made breakfast. Would you like some?". She said smiling.
"Yes. We'll be down in a bit".
Sakura thanked her and went to wake kakashi up. She walked over to the bed and staired at her sensei peacefully sleeping. She didn't wanna startle him so instead he placed a soft delicate kiss on his masked lips. She continued to kiss him until he woke up. Sakura noticed his eyes begin to flutter open when she heard the soft voice of her sleepy sensei.
"Good morning. My beautiful girl friend ". He said winking. Lost with words ahe just staired at him. ^^I'm his girlfriend? We never talked about it this... he wants me to be his girlfriend..^^
"Good morning you hungry...granny made.. some breakfast..if you are...". She trailed off, blushing with embarrassment. Kakashi just simply laughed at sakura. He loved when she got all flustered and embarrassed. He found this particular trait of hers adorable and attractive.
Team 7 went to eat breakfast. Kakashi told them about having to leave immediately because someone tried to assassinate him and he wasn't in the shape to protect himself.
So it was agreed upon that they'd leave soon. Kakashi would be in the middle of th3 group with sakura with naruto behind and yamato in front to scout.

"Thanks for letting us share your wonder home.". Sakura said while bowing.
"And thanks for taking care of kakashi-sensei".
When she said his name the old woman and her granddaughter froze.
"You mean he's... related to the white fang....hes that kakashi.. hatake kakashi?". They both looked stunned and terrified.
"Um... Yes I'm afraid I am". Kakashi said worried.
They immediately rushed them back inside and locked the door and shut all blinds.
"You're in terrible danger". Granny whispered. You gave to leave after night fall
"You'll need to move swiftly and smoothly". She said ushering everyone into the basement.
"Hey! What's the bug idea shoving all of us in here? Whats so bad about kakashi sensei? And who is the white fang?". Naruto shouted.
"Naruto be quiet. The white fang is my father. I'm not well like here or my dad because of the ninja wars." Kakashi said a little irritated.
"He's correct. Long ago when the second great ninja war The White Fang of the Leaf killed and murder people for his village like many others did. Unfortunately there was alot of orphaned children because of this alot of people blame the white fang. Rumor has it this one boy name Fai Hemg was one of the orphaned. His dad was killed right in front of him by the fang and on that day he vowed his revenge on the whole Hatake clan. Once learning how small the clan was and of his only son he decided to do to his son what his father did to him." Granny paused and looked around the room, everyone was quiet.
"So what does that mean?" Naruto asked.
Sakura glanced at kakashi and if she wasn't so close to him she would have that she was seeing things when a lone tear rolled down the check of the great copy ninja.
"Make him an orphan like he was". Granny said quietly.
"Fai Hemg dad was very wealthy so when he died he left all his money to his only son. Fai used the money to hire an inside person to get the fang to go on a mission where he would ambush him... Unfortunately it didnt go as plan. He scouted ahead and --". She was cut off by a raging Kakashi.
"HE SCOUTED AHEAD AND KNEW HE COULDN'T TAKE ON ALL THE ENEMIES WITHOUT ALL OF HIS FUCKING TEAM MATES DYING!". He yelled as he punched the wall. Sakura knew he was more sad the  angry but didn't want to show weakness... he's the one who said shinobi don't cry.
"PEOPLE THOUGHT HE ABDONED THE MISSION AND WAS REDICULED FOR SAVING THERE LIVES!!! THEY DROVE HIM TO KILL HIMSELF". By the time kakashi stop punching the wall his hand was a bloody mess And he had tears running down his face he fell to his knees and whispered something only sakura could hear.
"...and I'm the one who found him..". Sakura immediately ran to him and held him. Everyone just stared in disbelievment. They just witness The great copy ninja of the leaf, the man who knew over a 1000 jutsu cry like a little boy after learning the truth of his father's death. Sakura knew kakashi would want team 7 to see him like this.
"Get out!". She yelled with rage.
"Get the fuck out!". She said while shielding kakashi's face. Once everyone was gone he grabbed onto his one true love and sobbed like a five year old. Sakura didn't dare speak until he stopped or he spoke first he needed time for it to sink in. She couldn't stand seeing the man of her dreams, the hard ass teacher who made her train until she calapsed, the person who was known for having no emotions or care in the world, cry like this. She wanted to make him feel better but didn't know how to. She knew how crappy his life became after the death of his dad. He lived alone, his sensei died, then both of his teammates and one of them was killed by kakashi's chidori.
After what seemed like hours kakashi looked down at sakura.
"Everything bad always happenes to me... I can't just be happy for once with the people I love not dying...".
"Kakashi you have me...i love you and I'm not dying anytime soon. You have naruto, yamato and guy sensei. We all love you. I'll always be here for you.".
"Thank you sakura. I'm truly lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend." He said smiling a little. 
"Now let me see that hand of yours. You might have broken it." She inspected his hand and got nervous. It was all bruised and bloody. It should have hurt him when she touched it. She looked up any him and he was looking somewhere else. So she squeezed his finger and twisted. She heard a crunch. It was defiantly broken but he didn't even flinch.
"Um... Kakashi do you feel that". He looked down and yelled.
"Aaahhh! What are you doing." Then his face went flat.
"You can't feel it can you?". She said.
"N-no...i- I can't." He looked worried.
"Let me heal it and look at the tissues and stuff". She took her glowing green hands and placed them on his.

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