When you two have a bath

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Hello! I honestly can't be bothered typing a honeymoon scenario so I've decided to do this idea which was suggested by BaileyDied14, so thank you. That's about all, take care!


Jeff the Killer

"Jeff!" You yelled out. You impatiently tapped your feet until Jeff arrived.


"What the hell is this?!" You pointed towards the bathtub.

"A bath?"

"Yeah, a bath for Queen Mary the first!" You stared at the bloody contents and pinched your nose.

"Well, it apparently kept her skin youthful..."

"Jeff, that's disgusting... I'm just going to have a shower instead..." Jeff shrugged and started to take off his clothes.

"Oh well, I guess I'll be the one having the fabulous skin..."


BEN Drowned

After half an hour of arguing and bribing, you managed to get BEN into the water. As he sat there with his orange floaties around his arms and a 3DS in his hands, he was content to be in the water he once feared.

You continued to wash your body until BEN called out your name.



"There was one thing I forgot to mention about the deal of me getting into the water..."

"Mhm, and what is that?" BEN's eyes flickered with seductiveness as he neared himself closer to you.

"Oh, you'll see..."



You uncomfortably shifted in the tub as you felt Slender's tendrils brush up against your leg. You felt a tad bit queasy around them, especially since you were naked. Slender seemed to pay no mind at your uneasiness, as he flicked to the next page of the book he was reading. His tendrils swished in the water, causing your body to shift once again.

"Damn, this is like the beginning of a hentai..." You thought to yourself.

"(Y/N), what's hentai?"


Eyeless Jack

Jack gingerly took his mask off and placed it on the sink as he began to take his clothes off. Once he was naked he slowly began taking a step into the bath, only to feel two hands push him in. A loud splash was heard as Jack shook the water from his hair.

"Seriously (Y/N)?" He said before relaxing in the water. You laughed mischievously before taking a few steps back. "(Y/N)..." Jack warned. You prepared to stretch your muscles. "Please think about this..." You ignored his request and sprinted to the bath.

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