Chapter 2: The Queen

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2 weeks later..

[Reign's POV]

"Good morning Miss Reign!" the employees around the lobby greeted in unison as I walked by, my stiletto making a clicking sound against the cold marble floor in every stride I made. Everyone else stopped at whatever they are doing as I passed by, staring in admiration but some in fear. Not that I complain, just as long as they are doing what they're needed to do, I didn't give a care.

"Good morning." I greeted back in my authoritative voice then continuously walks through my personal elevator. I occupy the whole top floor of the building as my office. That's just how I like the view from above, I could see the whole place through my floor to ceiling glass window. When I arrived at my office, my secretary immediately greeted me, handing my usual cup of coffee. Mrs. Jones, was my father's secretary and is now working for me since I took over my father's position. She's in her late 40's but still efficient in her work.

"Mrs. Jones. What's my schedule for today?" I asked her while scanning through the mountain of papers that I needed to sign.

"Yes, Miss Reign." She replied, getting her planner then reads my schedule for the day.

"Hmm, your schedule for today.. @8:30am --ground visit together with the investors in Kingdom Hotels and Beach Resorts. @10am --inspection at the construction of the extensions of the Kingdom hotels and beach resorts. @12:30pm --lunch meeting with the managers and staffs. @4:00pm --playing golf with your father. @6:00pm --dinner meeting with Mr. Andrews." Mrs. Jones said while double checking my schedule.

"A busy day ahead, huh?" I said while continuing on reading the papers that needed my immediate attention.

"Like you haven't been used to it, that's just easy fo you." she commented with a knowing smile then went back to her desk.

At the age of 24 I already had accomplished a lot of things. I was one of the eligible bachelorette in the country, who makes a million in a day. Right after I got my degree in business administration, I helped my father in running the business. I know what I wanted and went after it. And everyone in the business world knew that I was gay, at first it was a great entertainment for others but as time went by it wasn't a big deal anymore for I was proving them that women like me could be as successful as any gentleman in the field of business. They should be more concern on how to make their own business stood longer than just gossip about something irrelevant to business. I am fearless in dealing with other skilled executives and business person. And now I'm a real estate magnate because of the successful development of our newest chain of five stars hotel and beach resorts, the Kingdom Hotels and Beach Resorts. It was a grandiose, modern tourist attraction that aimed to delight both local elites and foreign tourists. It has a golf course, infinity pools, modern facilities for the different water sports, a wide powdery white sanded shoreline and a crystal blue waters. The whole scenery was a paradise.

The telephone on my desk rings. "Yes?" I answered after the third ring.

"Miss Reign, the foreign investors are already here. I redirected them to the boardroom."

"Alright, thank you." I double check the things I needed before leaving my office.

After a few minutes we are now on the sight-seeing of the different places and scenery of Kingdom. I made sure that Kingdom would be one of a kind, that people could leisurely enjoy the luxury. The investors were impressed from the beauty of Kingdom, from the regal architectural and interior design of the hotel building that we acquired inspirations from the western monarchs up to the vast and perfectly manicured grass of the golf course and from there you could see the pristine crystal blue waters of the ocean.

"You really did great in turning this piece of land into a magnificent place." Mr. Smith said impressively.

"Such a paradise, that I wanted to bring my family on my next visit." Mr. Howard said in agreement.

"Thank you so much gentlemen, no worries that your investments are in a good hand and of course you're all welcome to stay a bit longer if you want and just let me know if you need anything else so I could arrange for you."

"We're good to go." said Mr. Howard while shaking our hands.

"And we'll just see you around." said Mr. Smith afterwards, shaking our hands firmly.

That made them stay for a bit to experience what Kingdom could offer. Before ending a meeting with a potential investors I always wanted to make sure that they would not regret on investing on our projects. Besides, she puts all her best in getting what she wants and that's how she became the great businesswoman that she is now.

"Congrats sweetheart, you just closed another deal within this month." my father said with a proud smile while giving me a light tap on my shoulder.

Right after my prior appointments, I changed from my usual designer suits into a black skinny jeans and a white polo shirt with an emblem of the Kingdom casted on the upper left chest, and a matching white rubber shoes.

"Well, that's who I am and like father like daughter." I said with a shrug while getting ready on my next shot. Then I formed a good stance and took a pretty swing to hit the ball. The ball just landed pretty well into the hole. "Very well." I muttered.

"Nice shot sweetheart." my father called out from the side. It is my father's turn to take the shot. He lined up his putter with the ball and took a swing gracefully. The ball went right into the hole.

This has been our normal routine. Came here at the golf course, one of the amenities of the hotel and played golf almost everyday. My father and I loved to golf, it seemed to be a stress reliever from work.

"Sweetheart, is there any development about the search of your runaway bride-to-be?... You know I'm not getting any younger and I want to see my grandchildren." my father said out of the blue. Her parents was the most accepting about her sexuality, to them she's still the gorgeous daughter they had and couldn't asked for more.

That made me stop and look at my father's direction and said, "Don't worry too much 'Pa, I already handled that." She said confidently with a wide smirk and a devious plan on her mind.

She never forgot how that hazel eyed brunette made her feel that day..

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