Chapter 12: Possessive Wife

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Chapter Twelve

I silently watched over my wife while drinking a glass of whiskey. From where I was seating I could freely stare at her beautiful face. I couldn't help the smirk that formed on my lips thinking, that beautiful woman is my wife.

I was about to leave from our table to go look for my wife. I scanned the bar counter where she sat earlier but I couldn't see her. 'Where did that woman go?' I decided to look for her everywhere when I suddenly bumped into someone. I almost lose my balance and I am glad that whoever it was caught my waist to prevent me from falling, holding me tight and almost no space between our bodies.

"Thank you for saving my ass there, miss?" I heard her said with a smile. And from the looks of her reddish cheek, she's intoxicated.

"Glad to be here, before others could." I said while looking at her intently.

I just heard her chuckle lightly while looking at me intently too. "You know what, you kinda look like my wife, Missy." My brows twitched at what she had said. I think I was right, she's drunk and I am not liking it. I just mentally shook my head, thinking of her state.

"So, what does your wife look like? So I could tell her where you are.." I said going along with her oblivion. She looked at my sliver blue eyes.

"W-well, she had the same eyes like yours, a square jaw, pointy nose and a very sexy kissable lips.. I swallowed hard at her remarks while she's eyeing between my lips to my throat then she smirk at me continuing what she was saying. ..and gorgeous as hell." Now I knew I can't definitely leave her alone in this kind of place with her current state.

I was studying this gorgeous woman in front of me when I remembered I'm supposed to look for my wife. Thinking she might see me so close with another individual I can imagine her so freaked out face. I immediately stepped away from her tight grasp and about to walk away from her.

"And to where do you think you're going, milady?" I heard the stranger said while grabbing my arm.

I was about to say something when she started to walk towards the exit of the bar still grabbing me by the arm. I tried to get my hand from her tight grasp but she just held me stronger. I just let her dragged me since I think she wouldn't let me get away. I gently massage my temple, I could feel my head starts to spin. I've had too much to drink, I guess. Well, I was just having fun with my friends.

"Hey can you slow down a bit." I said then looks at her. When my vision got more clearer, I could see her face just fine. Earlier inside the bar, I couldn't see the stranger's face clearly since the lights were too dimmed. Realization hit me. Oh god! She had a very serious face and I can see an unexplainable emotion on her eyes, it's a mixture of mad and amusement. I just smiled at her awkwardly hiding my embarrassment.

Man, she'll be the death of me! Fortunately, I was the one who got to her first before others could. I never left my seat earlier so I could watch over her like a hawk. I shot a dagger look at every individual who dared to look at my wife. When I saw her leave their table I immediately stood from my seat then followed her and that's when she bumped into me.

"Come on, get inside wifey." I said sternly, opening the passenger door of my car for her. She immediately did what she's told. Then I get into the driver's side. She just kept quite while I start driving back to the hotel where I was staying.

After a few minutes of drive I parked my car at the hotel parking. I got out of the car first to open the door for her.

"Thank you, Honey." She said teasingly.

I just ignored her remark. "Let's get going. You're drunk and you need to rest."

"I'm not that drunk, just a bit dizzy." She said smiling for my benefit.

She guided me through the elevators. Once the elevator door closes, I suddenly felt the thick hot air building. I leaned my head over Reign's shoulder then closed my eyes. I still felt dizzy but I managed to ignore it.

When I opened my eyes, a pair of electric blue eyes greeted me. Her face is just a few inches away from mine. I suddenly felt electrified to how close our bodies are.

Reign is about to lose her remaining restraint. Enough is enough. She snapped then pulled me closer to her and claimed my lips. To her surprise I didn't respond at first. She guided me then later on I was kissing her back with equal ferocity. She lifted me and sat me on the steel inlay bar of the elevator to have a better access to my mouth. She was kissing, nibbling my lips that made my knees weak.

I couldn't help the moan that escaped on my mouth. I was kissing her back like my life depended on it. I felt her hand sneaked inside my blouse and squeezed my breast. I am supposed to stop her cause we might end up on a not compromising situation but I held myself in doing so. A part of me doesn't want to end whatever we are having.

She lifted her mouth from mine lightly, breathing hardly. "You're not going to stop me, Baby?" she asked me, hope in her eyes.

Cassandra couldn't feel any restraint. I'm intoxicated but I know what I was doing. I dared to look at her eyes. I can see desire clouded on her blue eyes, darkening with need and hunger. For me.

At the back of my mind I knew this isn't good. But my body is telling me otherwise. I stared at her eyes once more. "Take me, then." She said without minding where they are.

I heard her growled. "You're drunk. You don't know what you're saying." Reign knew she shouldn't take advantage of her drunken state. She doesn't want it when Ice woke up the next morning regretting what will happen between them.

I stood on my feet, caressing her cheek. "Reign, let's consummate our marriage." I said without any hesitation. I knew I cannot stop the growing emotion I had for her.

Desire is already consuming her being. I've slowly lose the control I had over my body, even the words that came out of my mouth. But I liked every bit of it.

"Fuck it." I heard Reign hissed that made me grin widely. She crashed her lips back to mine. The way she was taking me through her skilled mouth added more to my excitement.

We were on the middle of the steamy hot kisses when the elevator door suddenly burst to open. Good thing, there is no one outside the hallway.

She sighed in relief then dragged me again towards her suite's room. When they reached the door of her room, she fished the key card to open her goddamn door. She needs to rectify her becoming inpatient wife.

I was teasingly kissing her awakening her cave woman side.

I felt like she is opening the goddamn door for an hour that's why I started to kiss her cheek down to her neck to say she should move faster. And I could tell my plan is working, making her move faster than she had. I am now pinned against the closed door while she's kissing me hard again.

There is no turning back now.

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