VIB (Very Important Bunny)

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I slowly removed my head from the covers, peeking around. No one. But as I went to crawl out of bed, my mattress was still sunk in. And it's not "memory foam". As if on cue, a hand wrapped around my waist, tugging me back. I assumed it was Tae. Shallow breathing was felt in the crook of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. The strength of his grip was too strong to be Yoongi, as he was a dog. Which settled me. At least it wasn't a feral dog in bed with me. But another thought came to my mind. The strength was too strong for Taehyung, also. My breath hitched when a low chuckle rose from behind me. I slowly turned and shouted inaudible things. I felt myself falling from the bed, eyes wide as my feet flailed. I kicked the intruder directly to the spot where it hurt most. My back hit the ground with a satisfying crack. The intruder curled up into a ball, hands cupped over his crotch. I slowly stood, realizing who it was. The maknae, the bunny smiler, the one and only... JungKook. I squeaked and set my hand on his shoulder, reciting numerous words of apology. He groaned and sat up, breathing heavily.

Kookie's POV
I sat up slowly, pain surging throughout my body. It sent shockwaves, painful shockwaves through my lower body. She was obviously holding in a laugh, but kept saying sorry. I waved my hand lazily to tell her it was fine. She listened and backed off, leaving me to attempt to stand on my own. I stood with great troubles, pain slowly soothing away. In attempt to break the silence, I said, "So... You got VIP to our concert...?" She nodded simply in reply, holding up the ticket, which was in a small packet with a necklace for safe-keeping. I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head.

"You know, I paid for that thing for you. Taehyung just begged me. Probably said he got it for you." I sighed.

"He did say that he got it for me," She giggled.

"He has a crush on you, y'know that?" I stated blandly. Her face changed instantly, from awkward to embarrassed.

"He... he has been... hitting on me lately..." She mumbled, voice fading towards the end.

"Let him then." I said boldly.

"Wait, back up," She spat. "How did you even get in my house, let alone in my room?"

"Uhm... Ah, forget about that! Think about how Taehyung wants to have sex with you!" I hurriedly said in attempt to change the subject.

"No! How did you get in my house!?" She snapped.

"Taehyung let me in." I sheepishly gave her my legendary bunny smile.

"Why that lil'... IM GONNA KILL HIM!" She screeched, hurdling out of the door. I latched my hands on her arms and held her back.

"I requested it!" I whined.

"I DONT CARE! LEMME AT 'EM!" She screeched. I simply sighed and lifted her onto my shoulder like a sack.

"The concert is in an hour. You need to get ready." I chuckled.

"LEMME. KILL. TAE. HYUNG!" She screeched louder.

"Will I need to undress you to bathe you, whilst you scream to kill Hyung?" I questioned.

"LEMME AT HIMMMM!!" She flailed over my shoulder.

"Guess I do." I sighed. "TAEHYUNG! GIMMIE SOME ROPE FROM THE BASEMENT!" I then shouted. He soon brought it to me, tilting his head at the way I was holding Y/N. I gave him a bunny smile and hurried to the bathroom. I took my shirt and technically "gagged" Y/N with it. I then tied her hands in front of her, tying her legs as well. Her eyes were wide at my actions.

"I did say that I would have to undress you and everything, so I don't want you kicking or punching me. Let alone screaming." I sighed. She shook herself oddly as I reached for her. I then flicked her on the forehead, causing her to stop struggling. I twisted the knob on the bathtub to fill it. As it filled, I undressed Y/N. She was silent, knowing that if she struggled, it made it worse. I removed the shirt from her mouth and threw it to the side. She gave me a line of curses as I set her into the tub.

"Imma let Tae do this." I grinned. Walking out from the bathroom, leaving a shouting Y/N behind, I fetched Tae to go finish.

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