Chapter 4.

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   The cellphone on his desk rang and Jay knew who exactly was calling, he picked up the call after looking at the screen which showed the private number. He licked his lips before speaking.

   "Hello, Jay Singh speaking."

   The person on the other side didn't seem very happy and the glistening sweat on Jay's forehead seemed to give that conviction. He wiped a little sweat from his forehead and replied to the person's question.

   "Yes, sir. I apologise for that... No. She knows... They had caught her, sir... No, sir, she didn't kill him... Yes, sir... Yes... I understand... Okay, I'll pass on the message..." Jay answered precisely.

   "Where is she now?" The person on the other side asked.

   "She's working, sir." Jay answered and the person on the other side muttered something and Jay felt his breath getting caught up in his throat.


   "Wait till we give you the details and be careful, especially with her." The man warned in a grim voice and Jay felt his pulse leaping.

   Maya silently walked down the road with her satchel secured around her shoulder, she wore a leather jacket over her black tank top and black skinny jeans. The wind roared and the heavy downpour started, she pulled her leather jacket close to her and zipped it all the way up to her throat. The rain drenched her hair and jeans yet, she walked ahead towards the 24/7 bar which stood in the dark area. It was just past one thirty and an early prey waited for her, it was time for her hunt.

   The cold chilly winds bit at the sensitive skin of her face making it red. She held her head low, her ebony hair curtaining the sides of her face by sticking to her skin. The droplets of water slid down her silk like hair onto her throat and further down getting her tank top wet. The July's rain had just taken its toll and Maya stopped as she saw the neon sign of the 24/7 Bar, a small insane looking grin spread over her face as she stepped over to the narrow alley ignoring the chattering people who were too wasted to acknowledge her ghostly presence. She dabbed silently towards the back door of the bar, no one stood there except for a couple which was busy eating each other's faces. Maya paid no heed to them as she entered the bar, Kailash Solanki at his weekends stayed till late at this bar drinking, a perfect spot and time to kill.

   The loud music pressed dangerously close to her eardrums and the loud beats pounded in her chest as the alcohol scent made her head swim. Maya's head tilted back as she saw the dimness obscuring her vision, the lights glitched around her as she moved through the sea of sweating and grinding people. The DJ standing on the first floor behind the glass wall bobbed his head pressing the big headphones at his ear. Maya's eyes didn't take much time to get used to the dimness of the bar and she quickly pondered around, looking for the man in the photo she saw earlier. She moved as he wasn't visible anywhere around the dance floor, she weaved her way through the crowd and looked around the cubicles. Her eyes stopped on the mop of black hair who sat three cubicles down from her and a sick looking grin made its way to her lips.

   "Found ya." She triumphantly whispered and walked back slowly as he gulped down unhealthy amount of alcohol.

   Maya stopped as her back touched the wall and darkness enveloped her body making a cocoon of protection for her. It was nearly impossible to locate a person standing in the far corner where Maya stood, her icy cold black eyes stayed on Kailash Solanki watching his every move as a predator watching her prey. Her surroundings stopped bothering her as she had her eyes set on her prey, everything else faded from her view. She kept her hands crossed around her abdomen as she leaned her back lazily keeping her unwavering gaze on Kailash. He talked to the bartender and laughed loudly, the bartender smiled awkwardly as he gave Kailash more alcohol.