November 7, 1981

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Saturday, Seventh of November. 1981. 

(I wasn't even born. it's what Ihave heard from the near and dear ones.)

It was a bit gloomy day. News about the air India being hijacked was flashing in every news channel. 

No one had any clue of what was happening. Gunana and Sai anna were playing in the corridors. the aunts busy handling them.  They happened to hear a wail from the room. that kind of a happiness could be imagined after all. the nurse came out of the room and said it was a baby girl. everyone was very happy. and after all it was their choice to have a girl child. unfortunately, vittu uncle(A.N. Vittal Shetty) wasn't able to be there. It was a moment to be cherished. the hospital was nearby so the mother and the new born was home the very same day in the evening itself. By then, uncle was home and entered.

filling up the form for the birth certificate. they had no name in their mind when sweety akka's dodamma(mother's elder sister) named her Mahalaxami just for the time being.

time passed by, the two elder brothers loved their little sister. they used to play with her curly soft hairs. 

she looked very cute and sweet. Not a naughty child at all. whenever their were some guests and relatives in the house, everyone one gets busy. as she was a very quiet child she used to sit in a corner and play with her little soft toys and all. she didn't require any attention. and whoever came in the house, everyone started calling her sweety sweety and thus, since then she's been named Sweety in all the formalities.

sai anna is the eldest brother four years older than sweety akka.

Gunana is the middle one, two years older than sweety akka.

That's all for the very first update. I don't have any idea if there are any errors.


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