Chapter 9

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H$- Annie wake up, we have to go to visit the family
A- (yawns) ok
H$- come on let's go to breakfast
Annie grabs her phone and they go to the kitchen

MK- good morning sleepy head
MB- good morning Annie
A- hello
(Annie seats on the table)
MK- how did you sleep?
A- good
MK- did you sleep late?
A- no
H$- are you sure? (Smirking knowing that she was talking with Hayden)
A- yes
Annie see her phone and it is a message from Hayden (she smiles)

Chat between Annie and Hayden

H- good morning Annie
A- good morning Hay
H- Hay?
A- yes, do you mind if i call you like that?
H- no i like it, i will call you Anns
A- ok, it's cool
H- remember that today we are going to my house
A- yes
H- let me add you and Hayley to the squad chat
A- ok

The best squad ever (name of the group chat)
(Ma- Mads K- Kenzie C- Caden J-Jayden Co- Connor M- Maddie Jo- Johnny Ju- Julian H- Hayden H$- Hayley A- Annie)
Hayden has added Annie and Hayley
H- hey guys i just added the LeBlancs
J- ok, hi girls
A- heyy
H$- hello!
Ju- are you coming to Hayden's at night right?
A- sure
H$- what?
H- Annie you didn't tell her?
A- ups i forgot, sorry Hay Hay
H$- it's ok, so yes i'm going
Ju- cool
K- yeah all the gang together again
Jo- yes, i miss you guys
K- aawww me too
A- i ship it
H- me too
A- ok guys now Hayley and i have to go
H- where?
A- we are going to visit our family
H- ok, see you guys, at 5 pm
(Chat ended)

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