Chapter 13

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H$- so, tell us what us happening between you two guys (looking at Annie and Hayden)
A- nothing...
H- yet
Annie looks at him and smiles
K- come on that's not nothing!
J- i agree with her
H$- Annie and Kenzie, to the room now!
A/K- ok

They go to Annie's room and close the door

H$- Annie i'm your sister you can't lie to me
A- i know
H$- so... tell us
A- ok, we kissed
K- what?
A- yeah, more than 1 time
H$- awwww i ship it
A- me too
K- aaawww she addmited it
Hayden goes to the room and was about to knock on the door until he hears Annie talking
A- girls, i can't even explain how much i love him, he is so sweet with me and cares a lot for me, but... i'm afraid
H$- afraid of what? (Confused)
A- i don't know if he likes me back, i know that we kissed but maybe he kissed me because he realized that i like him
K- Annie is obvious that Hayden likes you back

Hayden opens the door and goes to Annie

H- i don't like you, i love you
Hayden kiss Annie

H$- aaaawwww Hannie
K- i love them
H$- me too

Hayden and Annie brake apart

A- i love you too

I'm back guys!! I'm so sorry but the last few weeks i had a lot of exams and assignments, so i was really busy with them!

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