Chapter ~ ONE

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“Taylor, are you busy?” My mom called through the intercom.

            I didn’t even bother to get up from the couch. “YEAH!” I shouted.

            She probably heard the echo because her voice came through again, “Doing what?”


            I heard her sigh on the other end before telling me, “Can you come to the sitting room please?”

            I groaned but stabbed the power button for the TV anyway. I stretched and yawned. Wow, it’s five already? Hah, I’m still in my pajamas.

            I shuffled down the staircase, past the kitchen, dining room, main corridor, and drawing room, before I pushed the doors to the sitting room and entered. “You rang?”

            She smiled and motioned for me to sit. We looked very much alike with awesome chocolate-blond hair and amazingly clear blue eyes. At the age of forty, my mom still had a model’s face. I sat down and rested my feet on the coffee table, then for the first time noticing the woman across from me.

            I think her name was Tracy Lennings? I’m pretty sure she was my mom’s good friend, but I never paid enough attention to find out. All I knew was she was almost, or about, as wealthy as us.

            “Hello Ms. Lennings.” I greeted like the fucking polite person I was.

            “Good evening Taylor, going to bed soon?”

            “Riiiight.” I nodded.

            Mom rolled her eyes. All at once she and Tracy Lennings turned serious. “Taylor,” My mom began. Oh no, I didn’t like her voice. “I’m not sure if you remember, but Tracey has two sons. You used to play together in elementary.”

            Like hell I could remember that!

            “Black hair, brightest hazel eyes, the sweetest boy you could ever meet? He’s going to be a senior this year.”

            “So?” I asked. “What about him?”

            Mom glanced at Ms. Lennings, who in response continued. “Well, last year, he started acting…different. He used to always invite friends over and play games or swim. But after a while he didn’t really talk much about them. Then his grades started dropping, which is strange because he used to be really attentive when it came to that. And then he asked if he could move out.” She shook her head slowly. Move out? Who would want to move away from a rich household? “He moved into an apartment complex in the town by school. I didn’t know what to say, because he hardly ever asks for things, so I let him. But recently he doesn’t even call or answer his phone. I’m pretty sure he’s failing almost all his classes, and I think something is seriously wrong.”

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