Chapter - 3 Bad News

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I received another letter from Harry it read:

Dear Carlos

I would love to answer your questions mate but something big happened. Frankie and Frannie have been missing for a week now. We had thought they were stuck at home with their father but we finally found out that something happened to Frannie and ow they are both in Auradon. Can ye check on them for us?

Sincerely your

mate Harry

P.S. Gil and I were hoping for a wedding at the end of the week but that might change because of Frannie.

I was shocked Frankie and Frannie had been in Auradon for a week and no one told me, but I knew where they would be.

With my new knowledge I headed to the hospital wing of the campus and asked for Franchesca Facilier. I was told she was in room 123 but will be discharged in an hour. Which meant she was being sent back to the Isle in an hour.

When I get to Frannie's room I knock on the door and await the quite 'come in' before I enter the room. As I enter the room I see Frankie sitting in a chair next to a bed which was accompanied by Frannie.

"Carlos?" Frannie asked sounding frail and weaker than usual.

"What happened?" I asked getting straight to the point. Although the fear took over Frannie's features and Frankie just looked sad.

"I don't know and Fran won't talk about it" Frankie responded while trying to comfort Frannie. I looked at the hand Frankie was holding trying to comfort Frannie, and watch as Frannie turned her hand so I could see the inside of her wrist. What I saw made my heart sink to the pit of my stomach. A 'Z' was burned into Frannie's skin, a branding process Zar does to sign his killings. This meant Zar tried to kill Frannie and he almost succeeded. This has gone on for too long. The thought of Zar hurting my friends especially the baby of the group, Frannie, sickened me and ha was going to pay for his actions.

"I will make him pay for this Frannie I promise" I told her holding eye contact before I rushed out of the hospital room. I went back to Mal's room to ask for her scooter again. At first she was skeptical but I convinced her I left something I needed in town so she allowed me to use her scooter. Unfortunately though I may never return her scooter.

**Frankie's POV**

"I will make him pay for this Frannie" Carlos had said before he ran out. I looked over at Frannie with a questioning look. She met me eyes before dropping her head and saying in the faintest voice.


My eyes went wide as Doc, the doctor here in Auradon, discharged Frannie.

"Before we leave can we go visit Mal and Jay they are old friends of ours" I asked Doc and Fairy godmother and they both nodded. I grabbed Frannie's hand and we ran to the dorm before I realized I had no idea where I was going. Frannie took it upon herself to ask a nearby student where we could find Mal and they kindly directed us to her room.

When we arrived at Mal's dorm I knocked on the door and awaited a response. When the door opened there stood Evie and behind her I could see Mal, Jay, King Ben, and a guy I didn't know.

"What the hell are you doing here?" said none other than Jay.

"It's a long story" I responded.

"We got time" said Ben with curiosity dripping from his tone while Mal, Evie and Jay watched Frannie and I with anger.

"Well we don't" said Frannie as she pointed to the window where the sun is setting. Which meant soon Zar was going to kill again, and this time we knew his target.

"look" I said gaining everyone's attention from the window "Carlos is going to get himself killed. He is currently on his way to the Isle to fight Zar"

"No he's in town" Mal said.

"I am not going to argue with you but if you really care about Carlos we need to go now" I said with urgency in my voice. Mal looked from me to Evie to Jay and Jay gave a slight nod.

"OK let's go but if you try anything you are both dead" Mal said. And with that said we got into a big car thing and drove back to the Isle.

"Park by Pirate's Cove we are going to need as much back up as possible" I said to Jay who was driving but the only response I got was a simple nod.

Jay parked the car and I laid down some rules.

"OK stay close and keep quite" I said and everyone nodded. With that said we stayed in a close pack with me never letting go of Frannie's hand. As we walked through Pirate's Cove I kept my eyes pealed just in case. We walked onto Harry's ship and I knocked. There was no answer. I knocked again but this time I announced myself.

"Harry it's me open up" I whisper yell. And no sooner did I finish that statement the door swung open and I quickly shuffled open and I quickly shuffled everyone inside and closed the door. Harry's ship was dimly lit to make it seem like no one was home.

"Where have ye been mate?" Harry asked with a relieved look on his face as he looked between Frannie and I.

"No time Carlos has given up, that's why we have them with us" Frannie said while jabbing a thumb in the direction of the rest of the group we came with and everyone was in shock.

"So what's the plan?" Asked Uma with determination in her voice.

"Zar won't do anything till the moon is at it's peek" said Helena. She would know she was forced to work with him longer than anyone due to her magic but Carlos saved her.

"Then he would be kept in a cell until that time arises anyone know where the cells would be in Zar's tower?" Greg questioned.

Jay raised his hand and said "they are located on the first floor and if I remember correctly he doesn't have a front door" Everyone nodded to acknowledge what Jay said.

"Is this a rescue mission or a fight?" Gil asked as usual being the voice of reason.

"Rescue" said Harry "we are not prepared for a fight" everyone agreed.

"Then we need to work with a small group to get in, get Carlos and get out" said Dizzy.

"I believe it should be myself, Jay, Mal, and Helena" Harry said taking leadership as usual.

"Explanation?" Mal asked making sure this wasn't a trap. Everyone could tell she didn't trust us.

"Helena knows how Zar works, Jay knows the place and can easily direct us around, ye because I know ye mateys don't trust us and won't allow any of ye alone with any of us. As for me I can talk Carlos out of any dark thoughts he may be having." Harry responded sounding very proud of himself. Mal looked shocked but simply nodded in agreement.

"I don't mean to rush your process but if you don't leave now you will be too late" Maddie said with slight fear in her voice. Everyone nodded and started to say good luck to each other. I gave Helena a kiss and made her promise to be careful and I had a feeling Gil was saying the same to Harry and Ben to Mal.

Less than a minute later our four chosen heroes were off on their destination to save the biggest hero of us all, but there was no hiding the fear and concern on everyone's faces.

Author's Note: Were you expecting Mal, Jay, and Evie to trust this group of villain kids so easily?

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