Chapter 11 - I Got You

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When I ran/wheeled away four hours earlier I did not tell anyone where I was going. In the end I ended up at the enchanted lake, Where i pushed myself out of my wheelchair and wound up falling to the ground where I stayed and just broke down crying.

"How did I know I could find you here?" Said a voice I could recognize anywhere... Jay. I pushed myself into a sitting position and wiped my eyes.

"They released you already?" I croaked out and I could here my voice basically gone from crying.

"No" He said with a shrug "when I woke up and you weren't there I knew something was wrong so I got dressed in my clothes that were left for me and snuck out."

"Aren't you in pain?" I worried.

"Yea sure of course but you are worth it" He said as he walked closer so he could sit right in front of me.

"No I'm not" I say in a barely audible whisper.

"Carlos, What's wrong? What happened?"

"A lot"

"Why don't you start with me being kidnapped by Zar?"

I simply just nodded and told him everything except what I found out about me not healing.

"Wow..." He said in shock "remind me to thank Ben but not why don't you tell me why you are out here crying."

I dropped my head and said "I'm never going to heal" I am so scared about what he is going to say that I don't meet his eyes. Next thing I knew I was being lifted and put in my wheel chair. Jay lifted my head to meet his eyes.

"I know" he said "Doc told me but he also told me that with some therapy you can become independent" I just shook my head no. "Let's try" he said as he held out his hands for me to grab.

"No Jay, you are hurt"

"Carlos please let me do this" I looked up at him and he looked so helpless so I just nodded.

I take his hands and I used my upper body strength to pull myself up. Unfortunately though I felt my legs collapsing the second I stood up but I never fell. Jay's arms were around me, holding me and keeping me from falling. I started to cry.

"Shhh Carlos it's ok" Jay said as he pulled me closer and put all of my weight on him so that I wasn't in any pain. "I knew this was going to happen I wanted to do this to show you that you are not alone. I will always be here to catch you. I will never let you get hurt."

With that said he moved to sit down on the floor with me on his lap. I didn't respond I just curled into him. Jay then took in a deep breath as if preparing to say something.

"Carlos?" he asked and I hummed in response to let him know I was listening "Can I be honest with you?" I was in shock Jay and I have always had a comfortable relationship where we could talk about anything we wanted.

"Of course Jay" I watched him with worry.

"Honestly Carlos I don't think you were completely honest with me about why Zar didn't like you" Jay sighed.

"I wasn't" I said disappointed i myself "I left out that Zar had a massive crush on you and I purposefully didn't back down because the last guy Zar liked ended up being killed by Zar when he got mad. I just didn't want the same fate for you."

I was so disappointed in myself that i couldn't even raise my head to meet his eyes. But just imagine my shock when he lifts my head and closes the gap between us. My eyes went wide and all I could think was 'OH MY GOD Jay is kissing me!' followed by 'KISS BACK YOU IDIOT!!!' So I did I closed my eyes and started to kiss him back with my hands on his shoulders and his around my waist. As he pulled me closer into his lap he pulled away from the kiss.

"I'm sorry" he whispered as he buried his head in the crook of my neck.

"You don't need to be sorry Jay I wanted to do that since I was eight but never had the courage"

"Really?" he looked up at me in shock "When did you realize you were gay?"

"Remember that time you were teaching me how to fight with those old swords that you stole for your father?"  


"Then... That was the moment I realized I loved you Jay"

"Honestly... Same" He said then kissed me again but this time it was my turn to pull away.

"Jay I think it's time you go back to the hospital"

"I will only go back if the cute freckled boy in my lap agrees to a date with me on Sunday"

I simply just blushed and nodded, he kissed my cheek and then picked me up to put me back in my wheelchair but he almost dropped me. He caught me though, just like I knew he would, and he whispered "I got you babe, always."

With that said we headed back to campus to the hospital wing with the biggest smiles on our faces.

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