Chapter 8

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**LUCY'S DRESS ABOVE!!! Yes it's Daenerys' dress cause she's a fucking boss**


Me being me and having nothing for the two of us to do, told Mayo to RSVP because we're going to make this party the best in the history of Asg- wait OF EVER!!
Lucy's Pov

Mayo and I have been prepping for the party for the last four and a half hours. Yes, we were this serious about it. We don't mess around. My dress is gorgeous, it was in an Asgardian style, a light blue with golden print on the fabric. It had this cool golden armor that was sort of like a corset and was kind of a webby pattern. It made up the shoulders as well and there was a cool mesh super light blue cape-y type thing with the same gold patterns as the dress. I had some white pumps with straps. I have nude makeup, I'm going kind of all out with this dress, my makeup doesn't need to be butterflies and glitter. The last thing I put on was a few of my limiters,  the arm bands. It goes well with the dress and should show enough of my power so people won't fuck with me.

Mayo decided to go a bit different with colors and has a dark red dress that goes to the knees. It's gorgeous satin fabric, and the top part is lacy, and off the shoulders. She had some nice black pumps to go with, and a smokey eye and bright red lipstick.

Anyway, after finally finishing getting ready Mayo calls Fenrir, to ask when we should get there, who says it doesn't really matter. The party starts at eight and it's currently six thirty. We decided to leave so we could have some time to explore Asgard before the party.

The place really was gorgeous, the palace seemed to be pure gold and glory, and the city it's self, though not as big and grand as the palace was grand in it's own ways. Even with all the buildings the natural life thrived and the forest behind the city looked amazing. Though we didn't have time to explore it, as the time for the party came quickly.

When the party started Mayo said hello to Fenrir and they quickly made a beeline for the food. Not that I blame them, that stuff will literally make you addicted to anything and everything food. It's amazing. Like, think of your favorite song ever, like that one song that just makes you happy and you will never not love. That's what this food is like. Yeah, that fucking amazing.

I on the other hand went to hang out with an old friend of mine, and magic buddy, Loki. Yeah, we met a while back when I was still in Alvarez. He and Achnologia knew each other a long time ago, something about a favor someone owed someone, I don't remember, and didn't really pay attention. But Loki and I got along quickly, mainly due to the magic. But also he's a pranking master, and has great style.

Any who, we spent a bit of the party showing off new tricks and such, which almost resulted in a spar. Keyword, almost. Thor stepped in and stopped us. Which is good in a way, but still ruined the fun. We all know I would have won. After that was sort of broken up (it never really happened) Fenrir came over and we started catching up.

"So, Lucy. Mayonaka tells me you quit the guild," yes she knows, due to another party and a lot of drinks I know most of Asgard and most of Asgard knows about Fairy Tail. "I'm sorry they treated you like that. Honestly power or no power you're so sweet and awesome how could anyone hate you like that?" She looked genuinely concerned and sorry, which felt nice, but made me sadder.

"No, no it's fine. None of its your fault. It's my own for letting them step on me in the first place. I may have been weaker and maybe I shouldn't have let them pick on me, but their faces when the seal broke was worth all of it. Gods you should have seen them!" I laugh, hopefully she can see it was genuine. I really don't feel sorry for the old me, and I don't regret my decisions really. I made them, they made theirs. And I'm still making mine on whether to go back to that place soon. I have to check on Alvarez and the realms but other than that I've been kind of bored. Maybe I'll go visit Gramps and mom, along with the others.

"Well, either way you should go visit them. At least the ones who stuck by you." Exactly what I was thinking. 'Omg is she a mind reader?! CAN YOU HEAR WHAT I'M SAYING?! DESTIEL!! I'M NOT A PSYCHOPATH I'M A HIGH-FUNCTIONING SOCIOPATH DO YOUR RESEARCH!!' Shut up mind. 'Mlegh.'

"Helooooooo?? Lu? CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRY CAKE!!" Someone super loud breaks my train of thought with the mention of cake.

"WHAT?! Where?! Show me da way to cake!!" Please let this be a real thing here.

"What? No there's no cake. Not yet at least, and that's why I was yelling at you. Fen wants us to come up to the stage with her and her fam while she thanks guests for coming blah blah. Come on let's go!!" The loud person, who turned out to be Mayo, started dragging me towards the stage/throne pedestal type thingy. Where Loki, Thor, Odin and Fenrir stood waiting for us to come up.

"Alright now that these two finally made it up here," giving us a snarky look, "I'd like to thank everyone who came and to thank my father and  the All-father for letting me have this party. Mind you there really wasn't any special occasion, just a way to have fun and give everyone a break! Any who have fun during the rest of the party and come see my father Loki and our friend Lucy Vermillion perform some of their magic in about half an hour!!And no you two there is no getting out of it!!" With that Fenrir walks off the stage to her friends while Loki and I stand there slightly annoyed, yet excited. This could make up for that almost spar!!

—-little time skipperoo cause i can't think of anything to happen in half an hour.—-

The time for Loki and I to 'show off' had come and we were both ready to go. A few friends of ours had placed some bets as to who would wow the crowd the most and I intended to win that bet for them. We walked onto the stage, smiling and waving. Shaking hands we backed up a bit and started.

"Open, gates of the zodiacs!!!" Milliseconds later all of my Zodiac key friends appeared on stage. I went into my Stardess: Leo form since it seemed best for this occasion. Though I did have a bit of trouble getting Leo and Taurus to back off of the ladies at the party. Pervs. Loki on the other hand duplicated himself a couple of times, but not before changing his outfit to something Hey, I may have a husband but I can still think other guys are also hot. Just not as hot as said husband. Which Loki is not.

He had a very nice leather jacket on, with a green shirt under, some black jeans and combat boots. Also, Loki being Loki, changed Thor's outfit from his tux to a cow costume. Obviously getting a laugh from everyone, including me. Do I feel bad? Yes, but it was pretty funny.

This went on for a while, us performing magic, at least for an hour and a half. By then everyone was starting to get tired and going home. Mayo and I said our goodbyes to everyone, promising to come back soon. As soon as it ended, I opened a portal to Alvarez. It's time to check on home.

Ughhhhhh it's almost 2 am and I have a dentist appointment and work today. I'm really smart. Any who, glad I got this up. I'm extremely tired so there's gonna be a shit ton of grammar mistakes in her, but again, didn't want the whole book to happen in like, 5 chapters so this is just kind of a chill chapter. It will have something big to do what happens in the future though. So, sit tight. It might be a bit before the next update, hopefully not and I keep staying up writing and reading all day and night, so ya. I'm out!!!

For those who saw the update I just did right after Halloween I'm sorry this isn't a new chapter. I'm having trouble with school and shit and I saw some mistakes that I wanted to fix. Thank you for being patient and I love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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