A Nod to the Lovers

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[I've really been craving some fluffy writing-related stuff recently, and since I just got caught up on "I Love Yoo" (I added an external link to it, check it out if you haven't already) I felt like now was the appropriate time to make something along those lines. This isn't really sappy, per say, but it's still more romantic than the stuff I normally write. And before you ask, this is not directed at any particular person. --Lyn]


I don't know how to express this feeling

It's one that words often can't express

If I had to, in a word

I would call it an ache


I've never considered myself a romantic

I would much rather be out living my life, having fun

Even if I have to do it alone

And when I see couples, I say to myself

"Things like that take so much effort

too much effort

I don't think anyone could put that much time and energy into me"

How different would life be, though, I wonder,

If someone decided to try?

Sometimes I get to thinking about how much better things would be

And I make myself sad again

Recently, there's been this constant emptiness

Not all-encompassing

(I'm not that hopeless)

But nevertheless, it's there

I wish I could just text someone

--more than platonically

We could ramble on about meaningless things and it would still be priceless to me

I wish I could lean on someone's shoulder

And for them not to wiggle away after a minute

I wish I could have cute dates, hand-holding, and shared food

And at night I wish for someone to hug me till I fall asleep

Alas, they're just wishes

People say silly things

About butterflies in stomachs

And air being stolen from lungs

I can't relate

I do feel things though

Like the space between my stomach and my lungs being on fire

The chill of my hands

And this damn ache

- I can't fully put this feeling into words but I sure as hell can try


[So here it is, the first sappy poem I've published in this dump of mine. A whole lot of the people around me are dealing with romantic things this month, so that kinda set the mood for this piece. Plus, as I stated earlier, the webcomic had some influence in me writing this too.

There have been some problems with people from my class reading things that others didn't want them to see, so I'm going to say this again: this is just me writing. I've typed words onto a page; don't take things out of proportion.

Anywho, thanks to whoever actually reads this! --Lyn]

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