[Day 3: Flowers]

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~3rd Person PoV~

While walking on the dirt path, the redhead female kept on complaining about how her feet hurt.

"Owww... My feet hurt..." Mairin whined. "Can we at least take a break, Alain?"

The blue-eyed male was already pissed and annoyed of the female complaining all the time.

"No." Alain answered, bluntly.

Hearing his answer made Mairin complain and whine more. And that just made Alain more annoyed.

 After minutes, and minutes of Mairin's whining, the two finally spotted an open field.

The field had long grass, also having patches and bushes of flowers. Pokémon happily played with each other.

"Can we rest here, Alain?!??" The redhead asked the male beside her.

He just couldn't take anymore of her whining, and finally gave up. "Fine..."

"YAY!!!~" Mairin cheered out as she began running and slopping herself onto the grassy ground.

"The breeze feels great today!!!~" (Can someone give me the reference?!?? XD) She commented as the wind hit her face. Mairin then looked over to look at what Alain was doing. The male was just looking at the green scenery, just simply looking.

"Hey Alain!!!" She called out to him. "Come sit here with me!!!"

Alain then heard his name being mentioned and followed the redhead, since he had nothing to do. He then sat down on the grass beside Mairin, who smiled when he accepted her invitation.

The fresh wind was blowing, hitting them with this fresh scent. This gave Mairin an idea.

"How about we release our pokémon? So they can play!" Mairin suggested. Alain just answered with a nod. Both of them grabbed their pokéballs and released them.

As the pokéballs were thrown in the air, the capsules then opened, showing a ray of light. When the light disappeared, it revealed to be a Charizard, a Weavile, an Unfezant, a Metagross, a Tyranitar, a Bisharp, a Chespin, and a Flabébé.

All the mention pokémon cried out when they were finally released.

"Let's all take a break!!! You can play!!!" Mairin announced to the pokémon when she stood up, filling them up with joy. All of them then cried out in happiness before running off to enjoy their little break .

"Look at them go... They're just so cute!!!~" The redhead watched the pokémon play with the wild ones, quickly befriending them. "I'm gonna join them!"

The redhead then ran off, leaving the blue-eyed male alone. Alain was preparing a snack for all of them to enjoy, a fresh salad. He gathered greens from the market they went to earlier. Lettuce, cabbage, some cherry tomatoes... Toss them together, and then he was done.

The next he did was to gather some berries; oran and pecha berries. When he was able to gather enough berries, he went back to his workplace and grabbed a bowl and mashed the berries together, making a paste. The oran-pecha paste was to be served as a dip for the biscuits he bought earlier.

Little did he know, while he was preparing their food, Mairin was up to something.

The small redhead was happily running after the pokémon, all playing a game of tag. But while running, of course, she tripped, again.

"Oww..." Mairin whined as she tried to get herself up, her face nearly planted in the soil.

"Chespin ches!!!" Chespie, her pokémon partner, ran up to her. "Are you alright?!??"

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