The cafeteria incident

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I was walking to school and JUNGKOOK came up to me and tripped me. "Oopsies". He said. I pushed him aggressively. He pushed me back. "You turd"!
Jungkook: Me turd? O-o
Y/N: Yes go pick on someone else, JERK!
Jungkook: NO!
Y/N: why you little piece of.......
Jungkook: See ya at lunch.
no, No, NO. Why can't Jungkook leave me alone. Ahhhhhh! I am hating this a really good looking guy is teasing me. I just don't want to look like a fool. But Jungkook is making me look like an idiot in front of my peers. Can't wait till lunch.(sarcastically)

Jungkooks POV:
So I am setting up my meeting for lunch with Y/N. Muahahahaha!
I am supposed to be in PE but I said that I needed to go to Language arts to take a test. I lied.;) I got a mop and moped the floors. I put a lot of water in one area of the floor and put the sign up. Caution,Wet floors, so no one else could slip. I am generally an Idiot but this plan is going to work.

It is lunch time and Jungkook went to take a test. The boy zoomed toward me and said he wanted to sit with me. Did Senpai notice me? We went in line and I got a California roll with rice. It was the end of the line and I saw a caution sign. So I tried to avoid it. Jungkook purposely pushed me I ice scatted through the water i saw a bucket in the way. My foot got stuck in it. And I ran into the wall. BANG!!!!!! I spilled my food everywhere.
I fell to the ground and took the bucket off my foot. I was trying to swallow a knot in my throat. I kicked the darn pale as hard as I can.
Jungkook: it looks like someone kicked the bucket.
He started laughing. Who the heck laughs at their own joke. That wasn't even a good joke. Then I couldn't hold it any longer. I was bawling out buckets of tears. And snot was rolling down my face I was embarrassed. Everyone was laughing. I felt like a looney toon. Everyone now calls me Tooney. I hate it. Ahh I fell like punching him in the face. Why me. Why do I have to be picked on. I threw my lunch away. Wasting food. I ran outside and sobbed in till my eyes were sore. The rest of the day he kept on teasing me. Why can't he leave me alone? I wanted to go home crying. I just want to fit in.

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