12. Nancy

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Everyone knows that Joe has some good ideas but those ideas are not always the best ideas. Joe Hardy also happens to be known for his mischief. I should not have been surprised when, half an hour later, I found myself sweating my head off in a tree. The Hardys decided to drive both cars away and leave me up here so that the lady behind the information desk would be throw off our trail and think that we have left. The thing is, it took a whole fifteen minutes for the Hardy Boys to throw me up into this tree high enough that nobody could see me. For some reason, two six-foot-tall guys couldn't get a little five foot something me up into a tree branch. It is a miracle that no one saw me standing on Joe's shoulders or standing on the boy's linked hands while they tried to get me perched up here. When I had finally gotten situated and Frank was done worrying about me falling to my death, I had to toss down my car keys so the boys could fully divert the criminals. Neither boy had apparently ever played baseball in their life because the keys smoothly fell to the ground and buried themselves in the tall, campground grass.

Needless to say, it took a bit for the boys to find the keys and drive away. And even though I never volunteered to be the lookout, I am stuck in a tree and there is no way I can get down unless I have a death wish or assistance. Or maybe I can twist and grab hold on that branch...

There was no way that the Hardys really expected me to wait for them, was there?

I wonder what I can find there. I was at the cabin in the woods once more with a shirt covering my face as I pried the wooden slabs off the windows. I am so glad that I wore a loose shirt and layers because I needed to be careful not to breathe in any of the chemicals George did. The kayak and life-vest had been removed from the front porch when I walked up, and since the front door was locked, I decided that breaking in the back was less noticeable than prying the front door open and letting it blow in the wind like a banner announcing "Nancy Drew broke into your cabin, criminal". I have managed to remove enough wood that I can peep inside. In the moonlight, all I can see are papers scattered on the floor. I dig into my back pocket and produce a penlight and illuminate the white sheets. The papers are neatly typed with colored ink but none of the words that I can make out make any sense together. I try to mouth out and mutter the words under my breath.

   "I see the...It's beautiful. Sweetheart. I love it here...I love you!" I mumble. "Perrault. Darling. I sometimes cloves, no close, my eyes...and wish we were in...Maine is already so near. I could show you...ring would love to give."

It doesn't seem to be a letter. The only thing it could be is a script of some sort. The rest of the dusty room holds no clue to life or the whereabouts of any inhabitant. This has to be a script from Jake's television show. That is the only reason his name would be on that paper. I am suddenly very aware of the noise of the forest around me. Squirrels chatter and crickets chirp. Bugs are singing loudly unlike any sound I have heard in Illinois. I swear I heard a deer jump. A bird screams. In the back of my mind, I think that I should probably head back and see if the Hardys have returned No one followed them or me and they should have had enough time to ditch the cars and walk back. I stand still and listen to the animals who have come out to enjoy the night. I feel a prickle on my neck like someone might be watching me. But no one could have followed me. I would have heard them.

Apparently, my ears need checking. 

My shirt jerks backward and falls into my mouth. Surprised I begin to choke but I don't move. It is Frank again, playing with me. I stand still, playing along. I really don't think this is funny. This has happened one too many times and I am getting tired of it. I understand that Joe would think it was still funny, he sense of humor is that warped. But Frank? Firm hands grip my wrist and yank and I suddenly realize that they are too small, to be Frank, or Joe's. I freeze. But it couldn't be George either. There is no way she wore off that gas this quickly. Two hands became four and I didn't think to struggle until a rough cord was already wrapped around my wrists. They begin to push me towards the fishy smell of the lake and if my shirt wasn't in my mouth I would have called out "very funny". This must be George, Frank, and Joe. I refuse to believe that anyone else could have snuck up on me. I trot along with them prodding me in the back every so often. They really must think this is all very funny, but we really don't have time for this. We aren't allowed to be here, much less be foolish around. Even Joe would know better than this. 

The cord is cutting into my wrists more with every step.  I squirm, trying to loosen it and whoever has a hold of me smacks my arm with something hard enough to leave a mark. It stings so badly I can barely think straight. The lakeshore comes into view and I see something else, something that explains everything. How come I ever have been so stupid. George is probably back in Heather's car or maybe even at Sebastian's ranch and Frank and Joe have no idea where I am.

In front of me is a beautiful lake with a lowering sun highlighting it orange and pink. A kayak floats in the water with a life vest and backpack snuggled inside. And at that moment I realize that soon I would be too. Well, at least they weren't planning on drowning me.

Fame: A Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now