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Never fear. Joe Hardy is here. I will tell you all those parts you didn't quite get.

First, I will attempt to explain Nichole and Penelope's plan a little better, which is hard to do considering I am not a criminal mastermind. (Sorry, the whole crew -Frank, Nancy, Jake, Peace, George and I- decided that we couldn't call a criminal such a personal name like Nikki, so we all started calling her Nichole.) So, Nichole really disliked Mr. Spann because he is also a professor at the film college and when she didn't turn in her assignments he dropped her from the college. He said that he would take her one more time, as a second chance and redemption, to film the episode, and if she did well she could reapply to the college with his reference letter. Nichole realized she was going to fail the first day when she saw Peace Stonehill, an actress that disliked her from a previous project. So she decided to literally kill two birds with one stone.

Now Penelope. She was just a normal Sulphur Springs, Texas citizen who entered a dream contest to play the part of Jake Perrault's girlfriend in an upcoming television series coming to homes everywhere. Then, she won the contest, squealed to her cousin, Nichole Carmen and finds out that they get to spend the month together filming. Penelope shows up on set only to find out that she is only a stand-in and might never ever see Jake Perrault, she is only going to see his stand-in, a boy in the same shoes as her. So she now hates Jake and Peace. By the time Penelope even gets to lay eyes on the actor he has eyes for only one person: Nancy Drew. Penelope, burning with anger, decides to get her revenge on Nancy in the hopes that Jake will finally see her. 

The team of cousin's first few ideas were failures but eventually stealing the scripts causes enough havoc. The trailer fire also worked but Nichole began to get cold feet and feel guilty so she helped Frank and I put out the fire. When she befriended us things got complicated and she was skeptical of their plan. She had one meeting with Mr. Spann and suddenly the plan was full-fledged once more.

Penelope was all in the plan since the beginning. He problem was she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. (Sorry for that phrase but I like it better than the ones about knives or pencils because criminals use those.) She chooses to hide behind her super-taser. (I call it a super-taser because it has a kick to it that others don't. I learned the hard way by asking Nancy why she had a mark on her arm and she whacked me with it.)

That is about all the explaining I have.  Our next adventure is called Gone...

That is great, Joe! I will take it over from here. 

Hello readers, this is the author. I am so excited that you got to come on this adventure with me, the Hardys and Nancy. I am so sorry I didn't publish the ending sooner, I really thought I had published it and then there it was in my drafts! This chapter is the end of Fame, but it is not the end of this series. The third book is Gone, and it will begin on August 1st, 2018. I will, however, release a cover before then and probably an author's note. 

 I will see you on August 1st! Thank you for reading!

This ends a Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys What if mystery #2 Fame by Leah Amber

EDIT: Gone can be found here:

Fame: A Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now