Chapter 2

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Christian POV

After leaving Luke's flat , I headed straight to my father's office to report that I'd done my task.

I had something else to tell him ..

As I  heading to his office, several people nodded respectfully and fearfully at me, uttering quick and nervous hellos that I did not return. Everyone knew that I was Carrick Greys son, which was a reputation that practically proceeded me everywhere I went.

When I reached my father's office, I found him sitting at his desk, in the middle of a phone call. He nodded at me as I took a seat before him and crossed my feet on his desk. Without missing a beat, he pushed my feet off.

"Yeah," he said into the phone. "Trust me, it's being taken care of."

I began twirling my thumbs as I thought about what I wanted to say to him, and how I was going to plead my case.

"Yeah, all right. Bye." Dad hung up the phone and eyed me. "All that nervous jittering you're doing—you better have good news for me, Chris."

"I visited your boy, Luke. He says he'll have your money in Friday."

"Good. Because that little shit owes me far too much. I'm done playing around with him."

"Speaking of being done—" I said, standing up and beginning to pace the room, "—don't you think it's about time that I should be done with all those kinds of errands?"

Dad folded his arms across his chest and leaned back, narrowing eyes that were the exact same shade of amber as my own. "What do you mean by that, son?"

"Dad, I've been the capo for how long now? It's time that I should get a higher role, don't you think? What else can I do to prove myself? I feel like you're stalling and just don't want to give me more responsibilities. I'm your son, for crying out loud! I should have a higher role in our family business. I'm twenty-seven years old now. I don't want to be stuck in the same position by the time I hit thirty."

Dad sighed. "I keep you where you are because you're good at what you do. That's a compliment, by the way."

"Yeah, but I can be even better at something else. How will you ever know if you won't even give me a try?"

"You're so damned impatient, Chris. I wonder where you get it?"


"Reason you need to pass on some more responsibility to me. It's about time for you to start thinking about who you'll leave the family business to. I am your first son, remember?"

"Oh, I remember, all right. First and the most hard-headed."

"I certainly know where I get that from."

Dad sighed. "Listen, Chris—do you want to know how you can really help out?"

"I'm all ears, dad."

"Get into the Steele family."

His statement hung in the air for a long time. A stretch of silence passed between us. I raised an eyebrow, wondering if he was implying what I thought. I cleared my throat. "Oh yeah? And how do you suppose I do that?" I asked although I suspected I already knew the answer.

"Through their daughter, of course," Dad said. "You get in good with the Steele girl. Work your magic and charm and whatever else it is that you do. Hell, the marriage doesn't have to be like, you know, a real marriage. You will still have your subs.It just needs to happen so that you can secure our family ties with the Steele fortune. Got it?"

I swore under my breath, but I definitely understood my father's logic. The Greys family was loaded, and as the first son, it made sense for Dad to want me to be the one to do such a duty.

He also knew that I was the one who would always do anything for my family, no matter how unpleasant. And it certainly didn't help that I was so desperate to prove my worth within the family. Fuck.

I sighed. "Consider it done, Dad," I said dejectedly.

He smiled broadly. "That's my boy."

I left his office, deciding that the sooner I set to work on my task, the better.

I also knew though, that for tonight, I was going out to party as hard as I could before I set my focus on the Steele girl.


It's been a long time since I updated this story. In fact, any of my stories. There was much happening in real life, and focusing on stories was impossible. Since now I will try to update more often. Thank you for reading..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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