Dance till I Bleed

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My feet hurt.

But I kept going

My arms were tired.

But I kept going

My costume felt so heavy.

Yet...I kept going

If I hurt so much, why did I keep going? To achieve my dream, to remember and feel the pain. The pain real dancers feel.

Dancing. Once you start you can't stop. It's like murder. It hurts but feels sooo good at the same time.

I woke up this morning thinking,"I'm going to have a good day. Everything's ok." Even if it isn't, I still say that to myself.


I swing my head around and see my dance teacher glaring at me with her electric blue eyes.

"oh mon seigneur s'il vous plaît prêter attention il est très difficile d'enseigner lorsque vous ne faites pas attention! Maintenant maintenant petits cygnes, we have a special event coming up, a way for you all to show your dancing skills!" My teach yelled before calming down near the end of her speech

(A/n srry here's a translation: oh my lord please pay attention it is very difficult to teach when you aren't paying attention! Now now little swans...)

I did not like where her talk was going. It had to have a twist.

My teacher continued, " if you would like to come to the event you must come with another dancer, consider it a date!"

All the girls in the room squealed, except for me. Our very prestigious dance school was known for their high expectations...and really fucking hot boys.

My teacher eyed me and added on to make things worse, "It is required for you to go, if you still want to keep your place at this school."

There was no way I was loosing my spot at this school because of some event!

"Class dismissed!" Our teacher shouted before exiting the dance studio.

Just like school, we had groups, the popular ones, not popular ones, the nice and nutral girls, then me, the loner who didn't give a shit about life's problems.

"I can't wait for this event!! How long before it? 5 days! I'll definitely find a date by then!"

"Of cöurse you will Charlotte! (A/n these are my OC) your blonde locks are fabulous and don't get me started on your figure! You'll have boys falling to your feet!"

"We'll all have dates in 5 days-Wait, I was mistaken, all but ONE will have a date in 5 days!"

As I left the room I heard snickers and giggling.

"Yea. I hope that looser leaves this school, she doesn't deserve to be here!"

A tick grew on my forehead as I said as calmly as possible, "You are all very bad at whispering."

"Like I was even trying to!" Victoria, a follower of Charlotte, yelled back at me.

I sighed and countined walking to the locker/changing room. On my way, I ran into a tall dark figure.

"Sorry...I didn't see-" I mumbled before feeling a finger up against my lips.

I looked up in suprise to see on of the 'hot dancer boys' in front of me. (A/n: I'm making a group called The Hot Dancer Boys <HDB> a group known for their seduction skills 😉)

He had blonde hair, pale skin and...blood red eyes.

His lips curled into a smirk before sticking out his hand.

"Kentaro! And you are?" He asked as he introduced himself.

I lowered my head before saying, "It doesn't matter what my name i-"

I was cut off by a hand reaching to push away my h/c hair.

"Oh course your name matters! Now let me ask you again. What is your name?" He exlaimed.

A look of suspicioun crossed my face.


As soon as my name slipped off my tongue, he had the face of the most surprised person on earth.

"So you're the infamous y/n! I've heard much about you! From Charlotte of course. She told me you are a little bitch and she thinks you're a-" He stopped to the sound of sobbing and looked down.

I was crying. Quietly and softly, but I was crying.

He looked taken aback for a second before realizing what he just said.

"Ah! Y/n-san! I'm so sorry! My mouth moved without me thinking!" He apologized.

"Just go away!" I shouted before running down the multiple flights of stairs to change.

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