Chapter Four

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The next morning Billy did as he said and pulled up outside of my house. His little Sister Max got out of the car and swapped into the backseat allowing me to sit shotgun with Billy "Hows your head?" he asked me probably referring to the bottle of Vodka we'd consumed last night
"Well, I haven't had any complaints yet" I joked using the famous line from Elvira's movie
"Very funny" The car journey was short and when we got out of the Car in the parking lot I received a lot of jealous stares from the other Girls. I gave them all my best smile and held my head high as I closed the passenger side door "I'll see you later" he spoke over the roof of the Car "Yeah, we have first period together right?" I asked him
"Probably but I'm not going" he closed the door to his Car and headed off in the opposite direction of the School building. I headed over to the bench Stacey and Jennifer were sat at staring at me. I noticed one of our friends, Josh was also sat there "Halloween party next week are you in?" he asked handing me the bright orange flyer
"Definitely" I told him before he sauntered off. I looked up from the leaflet to Stacey and Jennifer who were still sat there with shocked expressions on their faces "What?" I questioned them
"Did we just see you proudly get out of Hargrove's Car or did we just imagine it" I licked over my lips "You didn't imagine it, my house is on the way and he kindly offered me a ride" Jennifer snorted "Kindly? Yeah right.. You two are up to something. Oh and just so you know, I heard from Claire that he's already screwed like two girls. He's not even been here a week" I swallowed. I found that hard to believe, half of the stuff that came out of Jennifer's mouth was bullshit anyway. The bell sounded for class and the three of us headed to our separate lessons. Billy didn't turn up to class which was just as I'd expected and I couldn't concentrate on Mr Myers droning on about equations. I didn't see Billy again until after school when he swung by my locker whilst I was stood with Stacey "I've got cheer practice so I'll see you tomorrow" she stated giving me a hug. Billy lent against Stacey's locker as I unloaded my books into my own "You going to detention?" he asked me
"I don't actually have it today" I told him. He looked surprised "I know, shocking right? Must be all that Vodka I drank last night, I haven't been motivated enough to misbehave" he licked over his lips "I won't say I'm not disappointed, who am I going to have to stare at now" I felt my heart  rate quicken "I guess you'll just have to occupy your time some other way, and in the future" I said poking his chest "I'll be sitting on the back row so you can't stare at me" I closed my locker 
"That's just an excuse so you can check me out" I smiled
"Maybe you're right, catch you later" I told him as I walked off.

I didn't want to go home so I decided instead that I'd surprise Billy by waiting by his car. I lent against the hood of the Blue Camaro and pulled out the book we'd been reading in English class to pass the time. When Billy came out he was surprised to see me "What are you doing here Nerd?" I smiled at him as I stuffed the book back into my bag

"Didn't want to go home" I told him honestly "You don't have plans do you?" I asked
"Nope" I smiled as I got off of the Car and went over to the passenger side
"Well come on!" I announced "The night is still young" he unlocked the car and got in opening my side for me. I sat beside him and we spent the evening driving around town, when it started to get dark Billy pulled up "Why did you move here?" I asked him wanting something to talk about. I was afraid he'd snap at me but he didn't, he lit up a cigarette "My Dad remarried and him and my step Mom wanted a new start. So now I'm stuck here. With you" I smirked "Charming. Do you like your step Mom?" Billy grunted in response
"Do you have any siblings?" he asked
"I used to.." I spoke
"Used to?" I nodded
"My Brother, he, erm, he passed away, but it's not something I like talking about" I told him looking out of the side window at the trees "Kat.." he whispered taking my hand from my side, I looked across at him. Our faces were only inches apart and I so wanted to kiss him. Without giving it a second thought I did it, I pressed my lips to his softly at first just to test the waters. He kissed back, placing his hand on my cheek. We made out for a while and when I pulled away I spoke "I should go home, my Mom will be worried" I lied, she wouldn't even know I was gone. Billy licked over his lips "Ok" he put the car into drive and drove me back to my house. "Are you doing anything tomorrow?" he asked me
"I'm going to see Stacey, she has a cheer competition at the theatre in town" I informed him "Let's hang out tomorrow night, I'll pick you up at say sevenish?" I smiled at him
"I'd like that"


Sorry I didn't update yesterday I had to work late so didn't have the chance! Anyway hope you're enjoying the story so far x

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