Chapter Six

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I was nervous about heading to school the following Monday. Billy's car was in the lot when I arrived but I couldn't see him around anywhere. I wanted to talk to him and apologise for kicking him out. We had Math together second lesson so I'd try and talk to him then. If I didn't see him before. Stacey and Jennifer were sat at our usual table out front with Steve. I was surprised to see him with us actually "Hey guys"
"Kat! You never came over yesterday!" Stacey announced coming over to my side "How did your date go?" she whispered into my ear
"We can talk later" I told her "It's a super long story"
"Sure" she sat back down as the bell rang for the start of the day
"Steve? How are things?" I asked him as he slowly walked behind Jennifer and Stacey into the school hallway "I'm ok Kat" I wasn't convinced
"Is it Nance? I haven't seen her around recently? Everything ok?" he shrugged
"I don't really want to talk about it right now Kat" I nodded understanding as he walked off towards the stairs. I took a left to the Science department to start my first lesson.

I don't think I'd ever gotten to a class so early when I got to Math, I was the first one there and I sat there in my seat with my eyes trained on the door for Billy to walk in. When he did he gave me one look and looked away. I bit my lip and turned around to face him "I'm sorry" I spoke as he shrugged his jacket off, he didn't look at me or acknowledge that I'd even spoken to him "Billy?" I questioned he sat down looked at me and then turned to speak to someone else. I turned back around to face the front and tried my best to concentrate until the end of the lesson where I practically chased Billy out of the room "I thought you wanted me to leave you alone Kat" he stated sharply, towering over me as we stopped in the middle of the crowded corridor "It's complicated" he let out a laugh
"It's complicated? Right ok whatever" he turned away and I let him walk. Clearly he was mad at me still, he just needed time to calm down. I headed out to find Stacey

Stacey was sat at the bench smoking and chatting to Steve "What are you doing hanging out with us again Steve? Nancy drop you or something?" I asked smirking
"No" he defended "You know what I've changed my mind, I will have one of those cigarettes" he said to Stacey as he grabbed her packet of Marlboro's off of the table, she handed him her lighter and took the cigarette packet from him, offering it to me. I took one and used my own lighter to light it. "So come on Kat, how'd the date go Saturday night?" Stacey asked as I took a drag of the cigarette in my hand "It was... Really good, we went to the movies and he took me to that 50's diner in town" I left out the part where we went to the hillside and the fact that I'd lost my virginity to him. As well as deciding not to divulge into the fact that I'd kicked him out and told him to leave me alone. "Wait you went on a date? who with?" Steve asked coughing on the cigarette he was smoking slowly "She went out with Billy" Stacey told him. Steve narrowed his eyes "You're kidding?" he asked "And it was just a date right? It's not going to happen again?" I shoved him "butt out Harrington" he smiled at me but I could see something else, like it angered him. I'd heard stuff about Billy and him not getting on so well together especially during Gym "Did you upset him Kat? because I saw him get into his Car and speed off. He looked mad" I looked over to where Billy usually parked up and noticed there was no sign of the Blue Camaro. I shrugged as the bell went for next period.

The day dragged and I hadn't seen Billy since this morning. I skipped fourth period so I had an hours detention straight after school. Again, Billy wasn't there. Maybe he really was pissed. I walked home slowly after detention not wanting to get home at all to be honest.The first thing I noticed when I got home was the ambulance in the driveway, I saw Stacey stood on the front yard looking distressed "Stacey?" I questioned rushing over
"Kat. Oh my god Kat" she wrapped her arms around me as I saw a stretcher being carried out of the house, my Mom was strapped to it "What's going on?" I asked
"I came over, because I needed to talk to you, I forgot you probably would have been in detention. Your Mom let me in and then she just collapsed!" I looked to the ambulance "Come on!" she dragged me over to the ambulance they were loading my Mom into and we got inside

We hadn't seen a Doctor come out of the room my Mom was in yet and when I saw one leave I stopped him "What's going on with my Mom?"

"She's ok, actually would you like to come with me? We need to ask you some questions" I bit my lip and looked back at Stacey "Sure" I said turning back to him. I followed him to an office like room "So?" I asked

"She'll be ok, but we'd like to keep her in here for a few days, just for observation"
"But what's wrong with her? Why did you collapse?" I asked

"She's severely dehydrated and it doesn't look like shes been eating much" I rubbed my lips together "Sorry I never asked your name?"

"Kat" I replied

"Well Kat, how are things at home?" I stared at him for a long moment

"Fine.. Everything's fine" I told him, I could tell he didn't believe me. Suddenly Stacey burst into the room "What's going on?" she asked sitting in the seat beside me
"I was just asking Kat how things were going at home" Stacey sighed
"I think it's been tough on her" I nudged her in the side and she narrowed her eyes at me "Kat, you need help with your Mom" I looked down at my hands "It will be ok" she told me grabbing my hand from my lap. I looked up at her and she smiled weakly at me. I nodded, it was time I stopped lying to myself and everyone else around me. "Mom's an alcoholic" I admitted "Her ex Boyfriend murdered my Older Brother Three years ago and since then she's just given up. She doesn't leave the house, I don't see her eat at all, she drinks a lot" I told him. I choked on a sob. I'd never confided in anybody about Mom's alcoholism. Stacey and Steve were the only people who knew about it. "And it's just you and your Mother?" I nodded slowly "And your Father?" he asked "I don't know where he is. Mom probably does but she won't tell me" the doctor nodded

"Ok, do you have any other family to stay with?" I bit my lip
"She's staying with me" Stacey butted in "My parents will be fine with it" I looked at her and smiled gratefully. I was still classed as a minor so god knows where I'd be going if Stacey wasn't here right now to help out "Well, thanks for letting us know about your Mothers Alcoholism Kat" I nodded and stood up "I can go and see her?" he nodded and I headed out, Stacey followed me to the room she was in, she was asleep. I sat in one of the chairs by her bedside and Stacey stood the other side "She's gonna be fine now Kat... I'm proud of you for finally admitting it" I nodded
"I'm not staying with you though Stacey" I told her. She sighed
"I thought you'd say that, I'll stay at yours" I shook my head
"Why did you come over anyway?" she parted her lips

"It's not important anymore" I narrowed my eyes
"I think it is" she sighed
"It's about Billy" I swallowed "He's been hanging out with Jennifer today, that's why neither of them were at school this afternoon" my stomach dropped "Are you sure your date went ok?" she asked and I stood up "Yeah fine, I'm going to walk home" I left the room and walked down the long corridor towards the exit of the hospital. "Kat!" Stacey called as she caught up with me outside "I'll call my Mom to come and get us, just wait here" she asked me "I'm sorry about Billy.. I can tell you really liked him" I stiffened my jaw.

"I couldn't care less about him Stacey" I told her and she just nodded as she walked over to a pay phone, she looked back at me every now and again to make sure I hadn't run off.

Stacey's Dad picked us up and thankfully he didn't ask too many questions. He only told me it was perfectly ok for me to stay with them for a while if I wanted to. I declined saying I'd be ok at home and that I preferred my own bed anyway. I said goodbye to Stacey and headed inside the empty house I called home. I didn't feel like eating so I showered and went straight to bed. 


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter! xx

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