Fifteenth Text Message to Dr. Julia

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Dr. Julia,

It's only 11:30am and people are already giving Melody a really hard time. The photo that Jordan sent pretty much all over the school and I mean literally, the pictures were shoved in every locker, especially hers. When you opened your locker the picture of Sammi inbetween Melodys legs calls out at you.

People have asked for her autograph, some just call her names, and others have tried to get inbetween her legs. She was sent home at 11:45 am. The seniors were called to a meeting. Where we get are questioned about the photo. Jordan as soon as they ask about the photo he stood up and said he took it. He was then sent with Principle Sister Diane, but before he left with him Sami said it was the best photo of her ever. Then she was asked to go with them to Sister Diane office.

After those three left we all sat in the auditorium listening to why bullying and sending mean texts is wrong. That someone needs to come forward and claim what they put the photos in a locker. No one as really saying anything. After about 5 minutes Priciple Sister Diane came back in and called Kyle, Derek, Vince, Trisha, Emilio, Nichole, Isiah, Trey, and me to his office and said everyone else could go.

We all sat in a small meeting room with Sammi, Jordan, and Sister Daine. "As of right now all I know is that Jordan walked in on Sammi and Melody having a relationship and he sent a photo to you three girls and some of you guys, but I'm guessing you three girls sent it to your boyfriend's so this s why you three gentlemen are here. Knowing that you three guys don't have a significant other, or one that goes to this school I can know that whoever sent the photo farther or printed it out is in this room.

"Well, I didn't even get it sent to me can I leave", Tremaine said. "I need proof, or another person to prove that positive", Sister Diane told him. "I showed it to him then I deleted it nvm my eyes were burning", I told him. We both handed principle Sister Diane our phones and after looking through messages he dismissed us.

By no surprise Nichole sent the photo further after about 10 minutes she confessed to sending it on to a couple other people, but said it was to her friends at different schools so she didn't think it was a big deal. Well one of those friends was Karen's cousin so of course Karen printed the photo and was the only person to put it on social media. After school in going go Melody's to help her out.


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