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Many, many years ago, in a time where Father Time was angered by humanity's attempts to control him and shackle him, he unleashed a curse upon the next human to be born into the world. He took the child, just a baby girl, far away from her family, and locked her in a cave on an island that had yet to be touched by intelligent life. Out of spite, and to prove to these lowly creatures his power, the cave trapping his victim stopped Time for anyone who entered.

Humans never discovered the island on which the girl resided, however humans did evolve from the animals living there. A thousand years later, these humans developed a lifestyle similar to our modern day, though their technology was decades behind the rest of the discovered world. You see, if they had the technology we have today, then they had already previously invented the mechanical clock. On the fateful day of this small device's creation, the time-stopping barrier placed upon the aforementioned cave was fractured heavily, though not entirely broken. By the time our tale takes place, the small girl had aged thirteen years over seven centuries.

As time continued to slowly pass in the girl's cave, the barrier became weaker and weaker, like rocks being obliterated by the crashing waves, and finally, it shattered completely. Father Time, upon hearing of this, was furious, as, for as long as that girl was missing from her family, humanity would be too afraid to attempt anything even to do with time; Father Time thought long and hard about what to do, then finally, he came up with an idea. He gave the girl intelligence of the same level as others her age on the island, clothed her with clothes straight from the village store nearby, and enough memory to know emotion, but not enough to wish to leave the island. If she felt at home, then she'd never leave.

As he was performing the necessary spells on the girl, one missed by a meter, and hit a shard of the barrier. He ignored the mistake, and continued his work. What he failed to see was the shard form the shape of a small skull and grow a small chain, fit for a necklace. He saw the girl begin to awaken, and returned to his place in the heavens. His work was done.

Authors Note: I hope the chapter wasn't too long. I'm not exactly the best writer, so trying to write the image of the story in my head onto paper is difficult. And, hey, if you made it this far, try the next chapter!

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