Chp 16

56 2 0

Chars POV

It's 9am and Aliyah ass sounding like a man snoring and shit , " LI get upppp " i been tryna get her ass to wake up for the last 15mins . Me and her ma April already started on the food , today was Friday and April was havin a big ass cookout with friends and family.
" chicka get up !!!! " " move hoe " LI mumbles and turns over. " whatever when I get out the shower you better be up ! " I spent the night at Aliyah's lastnight since I didn't have to work and my lonely ass didn't have nothing better to do. I grabbed my bathroom bag and pulled out my bath and body works vanilla body wash , I plugged in my flatirons at LI's vanity . I stepped into the shower before testing it , " fuck " I jumped pissed at the hot ass water I turned it down a bit then continued to wash my body. I grabbed LI's organic cherry blossom hair shampoo and conditioner and began to wash my long curly hair . Stepping out the shower , I threw a towel over my head and grabbed my toothbrush out LI's holder. This was my second home literally , after doing my bathroom routine I stepped back into LI's room hearing my song !

Freak hoe - Speaker knockers
Imma throw this money like a free throw

You just keep on dancing, like a freak ho

Arch your back, put your hands on your knees ho

Bounce that ass to my muthafucking beat hoe

Bounce that ass,

bounce that ass

" ayeeeee !! " I yelled walkin in twerking letting my towel drop " LI bust out laughing

" bitch you gay , go home " we was cracking up

I picked up my towel and lotioned my body while LI searched her closet for an outfit

" what you wearing LI " I asked while slippin into my black lace panties and black strapless bra , I went over to LI's vanity and began to blow dryed my hair.

" imma wear this 2 pieces set " she showed me " it was a pair of shorts with a design and crop top that matched.

" that's cute imma wear my strapless romper with the floral design "

" we gon be cute or whatever , I can't wait to see my babyyy " this bitch I laughed

" you was just with his ass LI , thirsty ass "

" whatever he suppose to bring his brother Jayden " she winked at me pulled on her bonnet and heading to take a shower

I will be glad when I finally meet this boy , LI always talkin bout Jaylen younger brother . I'm sure I won't be interested in his ass. I'm picky and like to pick out my own guys plus his ass the captin of the football team , nigga prolly cocky as fuck

" ouch bitchhh " I yelled as her ass burned me with the flatirons

" shutup whining "

" yea whatever , you know Nates been blowing up my phone "

" bitch put him on block list or give him my number " she stopped flat-ironing my hair and stared at me , the girl is crazy fr

I braided her long black hair into two braids , how India Westbrook wears hers . We got dressed and headed down stairs

Aliyah's POV

It was going on 2 and people where starting to arrive , we had helped my mom prepare all the food last night and her lil boo was over today helping on the grill . My brother Alan and his girl had got here a few hours ago he was helping some of my cousins set up the chairs and tents . Some of my younger cousins were already in the pool " hey bighead , hey char ! " one of my little cousins yelled while splashin us with water " you better stop lil nigga " I mugged him as he ran off . I headed back to the kitchen where all my aunties , grandma and ma was.

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