For my best friend Mady

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Dear Mady

I just wanted you to know that our friendship means the world to me and it always will. Ever since I met you I have been a better person. I glad I can talk to you about everything and anything and you can always give me the best advice. I'm happy that you've always been there for me since the day we met. I'm glad you haven't given up with me even if everyone else did. I'm glad you keep all my secrets and you won't ever hurt me. I'm happy that I can call you my best friend and actually mean it. I'm glad we have ALOT of things in common and we can laugh and joke about the most dumbest things and we won't care. I'm glad you have my back when I'm going through tough times and you always make me smile. I know I can always be on the receiving end but I try to do my best to make sure your doing okay and that your happy because that is all I want is for you to b okay and happy. You mean the world to me and i trust you with my life because I know you will always be their to support me. This week has been hard on both of us but especially you and the thing that made me happy was that you came back not for yourself but to make sure I was okay and that I didnt do anything stupid which really made me happy and warmed my heart. I hope we can be best of friends until the day we die but I want you to know that your never alone and you always have me to talk to if you need.

Love you always your best friend Faith 💝😇😇😇😇

Love you always your best friend Faith 💝😇😇😇😇

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