Thank you Best friend

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Dear Best friend

I just wanted to write this to tell you how much i love you. Im just going to write it in list form because i am to lazy to write a big long ass paragraph so here goes:

20 reasons for why i love you

1. You care about me when most people dont

2. You get my sarcastic humour

3. You join in on my silliness and dumbness

4. You are fun to be around

5. You are unique

6. You are a good person

7. I love that we both like the same things

8. I love that even if we disagree we dont fight and if we did i would never ever forgive myself for it

9.  You came to church with me even if you dont beleive in God

10. You talk to me about anything

11. You trust me with anything

12. You encourage me

13. You assure me everything will be okay

14. You tell me what you want

15. You give me the best advice

16. You are tall😊

17. You know how to listen

18. You let me vent

19. We can make fun of eachother and never take offence

And last but not least

20. You love me for me and you dont care about what i look like because no one is perfect and we both know that. You have put up with me for 7 months and throughout those 7 months we have learnt to trust and care about eachother and i am really happy to call you my bestest friend ever and i couldnt ask for anyone else.

Okay okay okay yes i know this is so cringe and really cheesey and it probably sounds like some 'romantic' letter but it isnt trust me okay. I just wanted to write this to my best friend because i wanted her to know that i am here for her and always will be and that i do love her so dont assume things that shouldnt be assumed okay thank you.❤❤❤💙💙💙💙

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