Chapter 8-Fifth Harmony?

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A/N:Ok,so um,I don't own Work From Home by Fifth Harmony,neither do I own the lyric video.I just own this book "Toxic" haha.

Your POV

As the morning sets in,I sit up,already back in my room in my own house,still hungover with what happened yesterday.

That was one of the best days of my life.

I tell you,I already was feeling good when a certain memory suddenly kicks in.

I feel a pang in my chest,as I go back to one of those times where Karla made a scar on my back. As I was busy thinking about it,I reach towards my back to touch the scar,struggling to trace a way down to my lower back.The scar started from the middle back all the way down to the lowest part of my back.

After taking some time trying to touch it,I then retrieve my hand after touching my back,continuing to sit in complete silence.I looked around the room,noticing that all of my siblings are already up and gone to start the day.

And yet again,they didn't even bother to wake me up...

I thought to myself as I turned my head to look at the clock,seeing that it's 5 am.

As I was looking at the clock,a familiar voice speaks up.

"I was going to wake you up,but it seems that you're already awake." Oh.It's Jack.And he's standing on the doorway with a towel hanging tightly on his hips.His abs were showing, since he's athletic.And excuse you,I also have abs.

I turn my attention towards him,and cross my legs. "Yeah,I am awake."

My eyes suddenly widen, realizing something.

"Jack..."I pause to gasp.

"What is it?"Jack furrows his eyebrows,looking at me as if I'm some weirdo.And maybe I am.

I point at him,and continue, "You...Woke up early?!" I mean,we normally wake up 5 am in the morning, and sometimes 4:45 am,if we feel like it.And knowing Jack when he takes a shower in the morning,he usually takes too long.Usually an hour.

"Or...Is it because you finally decided to make it fast in the shower 'cause you sensed that you were being a total burden to us when it comes to the shower?"I finished with a small smile on my lips.

Jack sighed,and ruffled his still wet hair,and suddenly grinned.

"Y/N,I woke up early.This is such a rare event,so try to savor it while it still lasts and take a picture of me."

I look at him with a face that says it all.Clearly it said, "Bitch,what the f*ck are you thinking?Why don't we bring you to the mental hospital,you like? Surely you'll feel comfy with your own kind there."

"Are you seriously kidding me right now?"I tell him.

Jack laughs,and I awkwardly laugh with him too before he stops.Then he looks at me with a serious face, "No,I'm not kidding."

I sigh in defeat and take his phone from him and stand up when he threatened me that he will tell Camila my most embarrassing moment that I haven't told her...Yet.

I take a picture of him as he poses in the doorway, and I tell you,the cringe is at level 1000000000000.

When I finished taking a picture of him,he raised his index finger and told me, "One more."

I slumped my shoulders,and tell him, "You seriously have to buy me food after this."

"Yeah,sure."Said Jack.

When I readied the camera of the phone,and was about to click it,things took a turn for the worse.

Out of nowhere,Jack suddenly took off his towel and threw it off as he leaned back and showed like, how to explain this...A raging pose while screaming, 'Ohhhhhhh'.

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