Imaginary World

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(Ashley's point of view)

I woke up and had this strange dream I was in this beautiful blue palace there was a queen with brown hair, blue eyes and a light red dress she said her name was Rosy and told me that I need to find my real mother and she showed me a hologram.It was my mom she had yellow hair and Brown eyes I was a baby and she was holding me and running away from huge, strong ,green, ugly monsters. I said where is she then but before she can answer I woke up.

(Stepmother's POV)

Ashley comes dashing into the kitchen "Good morning Ashley" I said Ashley says" your not my real mom are you?" " Now don't be silly of course I am" I said "no your not you have been pretending to be my mom when your not where is my real mom?" Ashley said "your mom is in prison with your sister and little brother in a different world she told me to

care of you" I said "Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Ashley said " I didn't want you to enter that dangerous world and I was afraid of you getting hurt your mother in a prison for no reason" I said Ashley was crying and slammed the door hard and ran.

(Leslie's POV)

Leslie is just watching TV laying on her bed then the doorbell ringed it was Ashley she was crying. Leslie had black hair, brown eyes, freckles and in her bunny pajamas I said " why are you crying and here our sleep over is not until tomorrow" Ashley says sobbing " my mom is in prison and I had a fake mom from 11 years and I don't know how to save Her " "okay first it looks like you didn't eat come inside and eat breakfast While i get dresses up okay?"i said Ashley says "okay" Leslie packed up clothes, food, tents and other important things. They ran to Nikki, Bethany, and Sarah's houses and told them to pack up clothes, food and tents and to meet at Ashley's house. There at Ashley's house Ashley says"how do I go to the other world to get my mom?" Stepmom says"i knew you were going to ask there is this machine in the attic just push the green button and your there" Ashley says" thank you".

(Nikki's POV)

I ringed the door bell, Leslie opened the door and saw Nikki and said "come in".Nikki saw Bethany and Sarah I said "what is going on?" Ashley says"were going to get my real mom, my little sister and

in a different world.They all go in the attic and Leslie push the button and they all go inside the machine. "be careful and don't get into trouble" stepmother said. There was a sign it said "Welcome to Imaginary" the place was clean had tall buildings and nobody's littering. I say "Wow this place is better than earth" every body stares at me I say" it's true don't deny it people". Nikki and the rest follow Ashley they see flying cars and robots. I said "lets ask somebody where can we Find your mom" "okay" Ashley said

(Bethany POV)

I say " great thanks alot Nikki! You just had to say lets ask someone and Now were in jail. Ashley says"i don't get why will the robots throw us in jail if we did nothing wrong. "They problay know We came here" i said "why you say that" Sarah says. "because right here it says so"i said everybody stared at the paper on the wall that I was pointing at. Leslie says" this is impossible how do they know we were coming" Sarah says "this a different world they have exactly the opposite things we have on earth." Ashley says" yeah because on earth it's dirty and everybody litters and over here is the opposite." "Ok know lets look for a way out to get your mom" Sarah said

(Sarah POV)

We finally escaped but the problem is we don't know what cell Ashley's mom is! I said" we just have to extra careful got it" everybody said"okay" then a big rat ran across the floor then "AHHH! a big dirty RAT!" Leslie screamed. Then guards came and we ran for our lives then Ashley screamed at the too of her lungs "I just want to find my mom and I just came to visit!" then the guards stop an said" why didn't you say so, what's your last name" Ashley said "Hernandez" the guard said "follow me." We all followed the guard and we stopped at this cell it was my mom Ashley said "Mom I missed you" then she read the sign that said "Anais Hernandez." Anais said sobbing " oh Ashley I missed you I am sorry I have never been there for you." Ashley said when the guard left "I am going to break you out of here so you can come home"

(Anais POV)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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