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After school I rode my bike home alone since Christian went to hang with his friends. I walked into my ugly house and looked around.

I remember when everything was great. Mom, dad, Brianna, me, and christian. 

I spotted one of the pictures. It was a picture of me and Brianna. Tears filled my eyes. Then a vision came in.

~Flashback ~

"GIRLS GET OVER HERE!" Dad yelled. Me and Brianna walked into the living room. I knew he was drunk. "I told you to take the damn trash out!" He yelled. His breath reaked of alcohol.  "No you didn't daddy." Brianna said. Then dad grabbed Brianna pushing her on the couch.

"No!! Get off of her!!" I tried pushing him off but he was too heavy. He was ripping her clothes off. I sobbed.  "Please! No!" Brianna cried. Every time I tried pushing him off he'd always push me on the couch.  I saw a gun in his pocket. I grabbed it and pulled the trigger with my eyes closed.

I then opened my eyes and saw something I would regret for the rest of my life.

I shot Brianna.  She was laying there in a puddle of blood. I dropped the gun and sobbed. "Brianna!"

I fell to the floor and cried. Ever since that day I never forgave myself. I was so stupid to close my eyes. I should have opened them and killed him. Once she died dad came and raped me.

Ever since that day I lost interest in guys.

I got up and put my Hood on. I walked outside and it was pouring but I don't care. I started running. I don't know where I was going but I had to run.

I then stopped because I was out of breath. I looked up and realized I was in front of a cemetery. I walked in and went to find someones grave.

I finally found it.

In the loving memory of

Brianna Kaylee Stewart

September 1st, 2004 - July 6th, 2007

"Bri, I wish you were here. I'm sorry I ended your life. I feel extremely guilty. I want you here so bad. Happy late 10th birthday sis. I love you." I blew a kiss up to the stone and then the sky. 

I turned around and saw someone. I thought I was alone. I squinted my eyes to see closer.

It was the girl. The beautiful girl from art class. I started running towards her. She then started walking faster. "No Wait! Come back!" She picked up her feet and started running faster until she was no where to seen.

I stopped for air and then walked back home.

Once I arrived home I saw a pacing Christian.  "Oh Thank the lord your okay!" He wrapped his arms around my body. "I walked in and I saw the frame on the floor and I thought..." he then stopped. "You thought what?" I asked. "I thought he came back.." Christian added choking on some of his words.

"Christian, if he ever came back I will make sure he runs out of this house scared as hell. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep early. Goodnight." I gave him a hug and walked to my room.

I brushed my teeth, changed into my pajamas and headed to bed. since couldn't stop thinking about her. She's so perfect. She saw me..but she ran. I wonder why? Before I could guess on that question I drifted off to sleep.

~Next day at school~

I walked into 4th period and saw Angelica. "Hey." I said putting my bag down and walking to my canvas that was on the easel. "Hi! How are you?!" she asked. "I'm exhausted actually. I didn't know high school would be so difficult."

I turned to get my sketch book when I saw the coded girl walk in. She looked at me then walked out. "No! Angelica,  I'll be right back!" I ran out the room and ran to where the coded girl was running. I got closer and closer to her till I could reach her backpack. I pulled her backpack but her back was facing me. " you." I said out of breath.

"Please...I just want to talk." I added. 

She turned around.  She was absolutely stunning. Her strawberry gloss looked sexy on her. Her golden locks flowed down her back and her emerald eyes just pop out. She was magnificent.  "Lets start over. Hi, I am Connie Stewart."

She looked up at me and sighed. "Nice to meet you.  I'm Sarah Parks."


She finally meets Sarah Parks. What do you think going to happen? Lmao well stay tuned.




xxLove, Jae.

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