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It's been two days. After what happened between me and Sarah. I didn't comes to school on Thursday. I was too embarrassed to see her.

The whole day on Thursday I stayed in my room trying to figure out what my subconscious was trying to say.

All day it was bothering me. I stayed quiet the whole day. If I say one word it'd keep talking and talking. Even christian was getting worried.

I can't tell anybody about this!

Now It's Friday and Christian is making me go to school.

"Christian! Please,  I don't feel good." I pleaded. "I already checked your temperature.  It was 98.8" he dragged me out and put me on his new motorcycle. "When did you get this?" I asked. "Yesterday when you were sleeping..I got money from my job now here." He handed me a helmet and I put it on my head. He did also and got the ride ready. "Hold on!" he yelled. "Wait what?" He was now on the road I almost fell but got a hold of his waist.

"This is so cool!!!!!!" I yelled. "Yeah. Good thing I know how to ride one or you'd probably be dead!"

We finally got to school. Everyone looked at us and Christians new ride. We were both wearing leather jackets. He was wearing a Polo shirt,  skinny jeans and black and white converse. As for me, I was wearing A white v-neck,  black skinny jeans, and combat boots.

I walked inside with the helmet in my hands and it was dead silent. Everyone was staring at me. Then they froze.

Not again! Leave me alone!

Finally, you talk to me. How you doing?

Stop bugging me. I can't deal with it anymore. You have done enough I need you to unfreeze everyone. Make everything normal again! Please!!! 

Everything was now getting blurry..

Then I just blacked out.

Where am I?

I then screamed. I saw Mom, dad, Christian,  and..Brianna. "Your a piece of shit! I will kill you all! "

"No! Please no!" Brianna cried. He then grabbed her. "Your so beautiful." He stabbed my Mom in the chest, pushed Christian and ripped off my sister clothes going into her. I could hear her screams.

"No! Let her go! Now!!" I kept crying.

I then heard the bullet. Dad ran out of the house while Brianna was laying there dead. I turned around.

It was 8 year old me. She looked at me. And smirked at me. Myself then stabbed me in the stomach. I screamed and groaned falling to the ground.

I then woke up screaming. I was loose. I was squirming like a worm and I could feel three people trying to calm me down. I screamed as loud as I can. I was shaking and moving until I realized..

The dream stopped. I was covered in sweat. It was going through my hair and shirt and jacket. I looked around it was Starr, Christian,  and... Sarah Parks.

I could see Christian in tears. "Oh my goodness. Connie, are you Okay?" he asked sobbing. I stayed quiet.

"You had a nightmare didn't you. About them?" he asked. I nodded crying. "Come on, let's get her to the nurses office." Sarah said. They a grabbed me and put me there.

"Oh dear God. She sweating a lot." the nurse handed me a towel to relax.

"I have to get to class. Feel better Connie.  Love you." Chris said. He kissed me on the forehead and walked out. "Same thing." Starr said as she was walking to the door.

It was just me and Sarah.

She was staring right at me. Like she was trying to get deeper into my brain or something. I wanted to stare into her emerald eyes. But I must stop myself. I'm so crazy now. I can't even control myself during a nightmare.

"I know you want to stare." she said. My eyes widened. "W-what?" I stuttered. "Look, about the kiss.." I cut her off immediately.  "I don't want to talk about it. "No, we're talking about it now." she demanded. I couldn't help but stare right at her. Is she joking right now?

She got up and came closer to me. To the point where I could feel her breath. "Connie,  what's going on? First you want to talk to me then you don't." "It's..not..about that." I choked on my words a bit trying hard not to cry. "Then what is it?"

"Nothing. Please...your going to be late to class." I said. "I'm already late. There's no point in going." she said.

She missed class for me.

I could feel my body getting warm. "Thank you." I said. "For what?" she asked.

"For being there when nobody else was."


Aww,  that was a bit intense. I should have warned you. But I bet some of you could take it. I actually got that from a scene in season 3 teen wolf. When stiles was having those weird dreams and when he woke up he would scream and panic and keep moving. Lmaoik.  I'm obsessed. *-*

Kay baii

P.S. Might do chapter six today.




XxLove, Jae. 

Meeting Sarah Parks (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now