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Sam didn't sleep a wink the past six nights he spent in that hospital. He kept hearing and seeing things that weren't actually there and on top of that they still hadn't given him the chance to see Colby no matter how many times he's demanded it.

His teeth gnawed at the tip of his thumb as he stared at the dull peach wallpaper in front of his bed, his eyes memorized every crease and crack in that space at this point. He thought about three things repeatedly in his time here. The girl, the hospital and Colby. Colby more than the rest.

He tried his best not to think about the other two options so he mainly found himself thinking worriedly about Colby's well-being and whereabouts. 

Why the hell couldn't he see his best friend? Were they trying to hide something? Is he actually dead? Did they really just leave Colby at the hospital but didn't tell Sam? If Colby is alive and here was he thinking about Sam just as Sam was thinking about Colby?

Sam let these questions eat away at him shamelessly. He couldn't filter them because these questions would only build up more until he saw Colby again. He wanted nothing more than to just SEE Colby and makes sure he was okay. The thought of Colby being dead or being left at that place made Sam want to vomit.

Sam turned his head to the digital clock on the side table, seeing it was officially 00:00 am meaning it was leading up to the seventh night he has wasted away in this fucking place. He looked down at his legs pathetically, contemplating on and on until he threw the sheets from his body and swung his legs over the edge while trying his best to ignore the searing pain that swarmed through him.

He was going to find Colby if it was the last thing he did. He reached for the wheelchair he so very much hated using and forced himself painfully to lower himself into the seat, biting down on his lip to refrain from crying out.

"Okay Sam... pull yourself together", Sam whispered to himself.

"Gotta find Colby, gotta find Colby", he repeated as his hands gripped the wheels and he began guiding himself around the bed and to the door.

He carefully pushed the door open, allowing the hallway light to deep inside his dark room which had been enough for him to peek around.

Once he believed the coast was clear he pulled the door fully open and rolled himself out. A part of him knew this was a fucking dumb idea and he was no doubt going to get caught being on this very noticeable very slow wheeled contraption, yet a part of him believed he could somehow pull it off.

It ended up in vain as he heard his name being called and he looked back to see his nurse, Miss Welsing, trotting over to him in concern.

"Sam? You know if you needed me you could've buzzed? Do you need the bathroom or-"

"Colby..." was all Sam said and all he needed to say, watching her expression fade into a look of pity.


"Please. Why won't you let me see him? It's driving me insane!" Sam smacked her hands when she reached for the handles. Rena Welsing had no idea why they wouldn't let Sam and Colby interact. They both had been requesting each other's presence but they kept them apart.

The doctor said that time away from one another after the clear trauma would be good, but according to most of the staff, it was killing the young boys. Sam was the worst. He would have massive panic attacks, bad enough that they had to sedate and stabilize him. Colby would throw fits but not as bad as Sam.


"Please! I'm begging you! Even if he's just asleep, let me see him once! I'll stop talking about it if you just let me SEE him", somehow this actually convinced her to follow through his request and she sighed in defeat, a cheerful grin spreading over Sam's cheeks.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

She guided Sam's wheelchair to the other side of the building, nurses familiar with both Sam and Colby giving him side glances as he waved happily, satisfactory that he'd be able to finally see his partner.

She opened the door to Colby's room and peered inside, noticing the brunette jolt up in surprise, clearly indicating he hadn't been asleep to begin with.

"Colby? You're still awake? Good you see-"

"Colby?" Sam forced himself to stand despite the EXTREME pain throbbing in his legs, making him cry out every second he spent applying weight to his feet.

"Sam!" Colby threw his legs to the edge of the bed and stood up, his walking condition far better than Sam's. Rena found herself trying to get Sam back in his seat but he clumsily pushed her aside and stumbled painfully towards his friend, throwing his arms around Colby desperately and allowing his legs to collapse right then and there as he cried out.

"Oh my god! I'm so glad to see you're okay", Colby caught Sam and ignored the pain in his body when Sam leaned himself into Colby.

"You... You... Fuck you! Idiot!" Was all Sam managed to say as Colby, helped by Rena, brought Sam to the bed, sitting him down carefully.

The two males were ecstatic. They started crying to one another about how much they missed each other, how concerned and worried they were. They spent ten minutes sobbing like infants, inaudible speech slurred from their mouths as they tried to control their breathing patterns.

Rena felt her heart melt at the sight of the two reuniting once again, crying like star crossed lovers that had been separated for far too long. 

By the time Sam and Colby had pulled themselves together, they were chatting and chatting one another up like they had done so much in the past week apart, very obviously avoiding the elephant in the room.

"Sam... I hate to break it up honey but you need to get back to your room and rest", it broke Rena's heart to separate the two but if the doctor caught them together he wouldn't be very pleased with her.

The two let out whines and begged to let them stay together for the night but she reminded them it wasn't her responsibility or her authority that could allow them to stay together.

Sam stubbornly snaked his arms around Colby's frame and whined loudly and childishly, refusing to relieve his partner from his protective hold. "I'll organise for you two to meet up later today, how does that sound?" She bargained, already wracking her brain on how the hell she'd be able to follow through with it. 

The two hesitated before agreeing and slowly separating from their chained holds, their hands lingering in their interlocked places, eyes glued to each other as Sam slowly lowered from the bed to his wheeled seating.

"Goodnight", Colby's hands left Sam's as they were pulled away.



Just another exploration video (Solby)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang