~Rayne | The Valediction ~

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That morning Rayne awoke with a pain. A sense of discomfort and, more accurately, an ache. This feeling overwhelmed her senses with such rigor that she felt as though her mind would never stop racing. She looked to him, taking in his features and knowing that she would forever long for his embrace.

Internally, she despotized herself. Here she was, a woman of great renown, bludgeoning herself over a boy; a bastard at that. Never in a million years could their relationship exist without complications and she understood that. She knew full and well, deep down, that honor demanded that she go with Lord Eddard Stark to the capital. Even if she managed to convince Jon Snow to stay, they wouldn't be together. Her place was at Lord Stark's side, and Jon's was nowhere, especially not within Winterfell. Maybe, she hoped, he would find his purpose at the wall.

With all of those thoughts having been passed, she also recognized that Jon Snow was the same bastard that had been her best friend from the very beginning. He was the boy who made her laugh until her insides felt cramped and sore, and he made her angrier than anyone else could even attempt. Jon Snow was the same boy who she beat countless amounts of times sword fighting and he was the same boy who would leave flowers on her nightstand when she had a hard day. Jon, who taught her how to ride a horse and Jon, who carried her to the infirmary when she fell from her horse that very same day. Jon Snow, the man who always encouraged her to get back up again.

That kind and soft boy that Rayne knew so well was going to the Wall. The last destination for rapists, thieves, highborn and lowborn alike: to live and serve, then die. Titles and birthrights played no part there, only skill and perceptiveness alone. If there was one guarantee Rayne had to put her mind at a slight ease it'd be Jon's ability to handle whatever life placed in his way.

She knew that the pain would never go away. Tales of Lady Catelyn's first love still are spoken in the present, and that leads Rayne's mind to believe that her very first love wouldn't leave either. Much like a scar, it'd stay embedded into her heart forever. The ache would never depart, but she'd make room for it.

Hearing the bustling in the courtyard below removed her from her trance. She turned to him before unwinding herself from his arms and planting her bare feet on the cold cobble below. She dressed, taking forever as her mind continuously wandered from place to place. Seemingly nomadic, her thoughts finally rested on Jon once again. His rugged yet soft face slept soundly, not ready to be disturbed and definitely not ready for the harshness of the far north.

She wondered how he would fair at the wall. Would he be too soft and kind for the rapists and criminals that resided there? Or would he fight his way up the ranks, displaying his incredible abilities with a sword? Rayne begged for the latter, wishing nothing but the best for him. Jon's soft curls splayed behind him messily, dark tresses forming shapes and figures on his pillow behind him. His bare chest rose with every breath and fell with every exhale, slowly.

Rayne left his chambers quietly, attempting to not draw attention or wake him, and found Visenya and Ghost sat outside the door, ears perked and tails wagging. At the sight of her master, Visenya stood and shook her ebony colored fur, creating charcoal waves on her body. Walking to Ghost, Rayne placed a hand on his head and knelt down so she was eye level with the beast. "I'm gonna miss you the most, boy."

As if to respond, Ghost extended his neck and licked her nose before he let out a whimper. Rayne wrapped her arms around his blizzard colored neck and whispered in his ear, "Take care of Jon, alright? That man is stubborn and prideful, with quite possibly the worst self esteem I've ever come across."

After the bittersweet farewell, Rayne turned down the hall and started towards her own chambers to pack the remaining belongings that still cluttered her quarters. Not even paying attention, she lost sight of Visenya for a brief moment, who walked to her litter-mate and licked his face, as if to say her farewells too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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