Blind Date

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Phil's POV

This was a dumb idea. I'm not desperate or anything. So why did I agree to this? I thought it would be funny. A blind date. But this is no laughing matter. Now I'm here at a fancy restaurant waiting for my mysterious date. They were supposed to be here half an hour ago. Now I look like a loner. I must seem pathetic. Phillip Lester. Party of one. More like Phillip Lester party of none. I fiddled with the table cloth. I felt like I wanted to crawl under its soft fabric and hide. I felt like everyone was looking at me. I was dressed up for this date too. Now I feel stupid. This jumble of thoughts invaded my mind. I feel overwhelmed. This couldn't get any worse.

But then he arrived.

I watched as he approached me. I felt my face grow warmer with every step. This man, I thought, is so hot. Black skinny jeans fitting perfectly against his legs. A button up shirt almost like mine. And his hair. Brown curls that bounced as he walked. He looked so perfect. But was he?

"Are you Phillip Lester?" He asked as he approached me.
"Please, call me Phil. You must be Daniel Howell."
"Ha, you can call me Dan." He laughed as he took a seat across from me. My heart was pounding in my chest. My whole body trembling. This was my date. MY date. This had to be a dream. He looked too perfect to be real.
"You're late, by the way." I said.
"Well, looking this good takes time. You would understand." He answered, a smile spread wide across his face. Why would he say that? I don't understand. "What does that mean? I literally just chucked this on because it looked nice." I said.
"Oh really. Well, you look cute anyway." He said. I felt my face turn red. He called me cute!
"You too." Was my response. He looked down at the table and grinned. He really was a hottie.
"Have you ordered yet?" He asked me.
"Nah, I was waiting to see what you wanted."
"Shit, I don't know. I was going to have what you wanted."
We laughed at how unprepared we were. I have a feeling this is going to work out nicely.


"So, Dan, why did you agree to this blind date?" I asked not long after we had finished our dinner. It took us a while to decide on something but eventually we did.
"Well, I'm obviously gay and where I come from there isn't a lot like me. I thought this would be a good opportunity to finally find someone."
I wonder if I'm his someone.
"Well, I honestly did this as a bit of a joke." I said. I didn't want to lie to him. But after looking at his face, I feel like I may have hurt him. Does he like me?
"Is it still a joke to you?" He asked, looking down at the table. I have hurt him. "Absolutely not. After seeing you walk through the door this has been anything but a joke. You're kind and sweet and I really like you." Dan blushed. Like actually blushed. He looked so cute. He always looks cute. God I want him so bad.
"Would you like me to walk you home, Phil?" He asked.
"That would be amazing."


Even though my place wasn't that far from the restaurant, I felt like we made it last longer. We talked and talked and laughed. I got to know Dan so well. It felt like we had been together for years. When we arrived at my place, Dan turned to face me.
"Tonight was amazing, Phil. I loved every second." He said.
"Me too." I responded. Dan seemed to glow in the moonlight. He almost radiated. I looked into his deep, brown eyes. I could get lost in them. Then the words came out before I thought twice.
"I love you."
I covered my mouth with my hands. Why would I say that? I'm an idiot. That was too soon. I've just met him. Why am I so pathetic. I covered my face with my hands and started walking backwards. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" I kept repeating. I didn't want to see Dan's reaction. Then I heard his voice. "Oh my God, Phil, stop apologizing. There is nothing to be sorry about." Then I felt  his arms wrap around me. He was so comforting. "I think I love you too."
Relief and happiness filled me up. Those words replaying in my head. How could someone like him love someone like me? He's so perfect and gorgeous. Just how? I need to stop questioning everything. He actually loves me and that's all that matters. "Oh Dan, I wish I could stay forever but I better get inside. My house plants need watering. But we will see each other again soon. I'm sure." I said. Dan planted a kiss on my cheek. It was so soft. It made me feel fragile. "I can't wait. See you soon, cutie." Dan said as he walked away.
Well, they say love is blind. So why is it whenever I'm with Dan I can see so clearly?

The end.

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