The Barista

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Phil's POV

Every day at the cafe was an average day. I would walk in. My boss, Paula, would greet me. Then I would take my station near the coffee machine, anxiously awaiting the day's first customer. Then, one by one, I would make coffees, lattes, teas and more. Sometimes I even serve people their fruitcakes and whatnot. I loved my job and I felt like my job loved me. When I walked in this morning I thought today would go like any other. But today was different. Today was special. And it all began when he walked in.

The bell rang above the door when he opened it, signalling to us that we had another customer. When I looked at the doorway my heart skipped a beat. I felt the blood rush to my face. I felt light headed, disbelieving. Brown curls fell down his forehead perfectly. His skin was lightly sunkissed but barely enough to even form a tan. His style was so dark but it suited him perfectly; ripped jeans and a black leather jacket. One silver earring topping it all off. I couldn't believe my eyes.

This guy is so hot.

I watched as he moved towards me. But not too much to make sure I wasn't staring. It was difficult not to. It was like an angel had stepped through the door. As he got closer I became aware of his eyes. Deep brown like the earth. Brown quickly became my new favourite colour. Then he reached the counter and sat down on a stool. He looked at me and I went over to him. My heart thudded in my chest. My hands were trembling. I didn't want to look like a klutz in front of him. I tried to sound as calm as possible when I spoke. "Can I help you?" I asked.
"Nah, I just came in here to say hi." He answered with a serious look. Then he grinned. I giggled. He giggled with me. He laugh was so adorable.
"Okay, what do you want today?" I asked as I readied my notepad to write down his order.
"I dunno, are you a part of the menu?"
My whole body shook. Did he just flirt with me? I laughed. "Actually, I'm the special for today. It's a one time offer." Was what I came up with. He laughed his sweet laugh. "Well that's a little disappointing." He said. I frowned. "Why?"
"Because I would really like to see you again. I would hate for this to be a one time thing."
Oh my God. He wants to see me again! I grinned at him. "Well I suppose I could make an exception. But seriously, is there something else you wanted?"
"Well, I guess a cappuccino would be nice."

I made him his coffee and we spoke for a little while longer as I served other people.
"So, what's your name?" I asked.
"Um, it's Daniel but most people just call me Dan. And what about you?"
"Phillip, but most call me Phil. It's kinda written on my badge." I motioned towards the badge on my uniform. Dan smiled.
"Yeah, I noticed, I just thought it would be nice to ask anyway."
I want to kiss him. Right here right now. But I don't.
"What actually brought you here today? I've never seen you here before." I said. He took a deep breath.
"Do you really want the truth?"
I nodded, wondering why he would ask such a question. He looked super nervous. I could swear he was - blushing. Then he spoke.
"I was on my way home when I noticed this little cafe. I took a look through the window to see what it was like. That's when I saw - well - you."
My heart was racing. I kept listening.
"I couldn't just keep walking. I had to talk to you. So I came in. And when I came to the counter and was greeted by you, I knew I had made the right decision." He smiled. He came in here just to see - me? This had to be a dream. There was no way a guy like Dan could ever like a guy like me. He was so gorgeous and funny. I'm just an awkward barista. "I - you seriously came in here just to talk to me?" I asked. He nodded, still smiling. I smiled back. He must like me! There's no doubt about it. I know I'm in love with him. But what if it's not what I think? What if he's straight and this is all just playful banter or something to him? I've always liked guys. Ever since I failed my first kiss with a girl I knew I had no future with women. I knew for sure that I was in love with Dan, but did he love me back?

"People like you, don't they Phil?" Dan asked me.
"I dunno. I'm sure there are people out there who don't. Why?"
"People don't really like me. Every time I walk past someone they give me a look like I've murdered their child or something."
I looked at Dan. How could people not like him? He was the sweetest guy I had ever met.
"But when you talked to me today, I didn't feel so weird anymore. You make me feel - normal."
I blushed. I hope I can be the one who is there for Dan when he feels this way. "To be honest, Dan, when you walked through the door today I thought you were pretty, erm, hot."
I said it. I just said it. This was a mistake. What have I done? I just met the guy and here I am telling him that I think he's hot. He probably thinks I'm a fag now. He probably isn't even gay.
"Phil, you are the cutest guy I have ever met. Why aren't there more people like you?"
He called me cute. It worked! Dan opened his phone and checked the time. "Well, Phil, I better get going before it gets dark. I'll see you again soon. Actually, what are you doing tomorrow?"
"Well, I work until 11am."
"Great, I'll meet you outside then. Yes, by the way, it's a date." The last part he must've said off my look. A date! With Dan! I can't wait.
"Until then..."
He leaned on the counter and pecked me on the cheek.
"For luck."
Then he walked away and waved as he went outside the door. I waved back, touching the spot where he kissed me. He actually kissed me! He does love me. I'm certain of it now. I looked at his cup. I noticed something; a tiny piece of paper underneath the cup. I slipped it out and looked at it. Then I grinned. It read:

To the cutest barista ever,
Call me xoxo

Then it had his number. And I swear to god, nothing in heaven or Earth will stop me from calling him.

The End.

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