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I kept running, running From the police and for my life, I could hear the sirens of the police cars and the officers calling me to stop, but I didn't, I didn't want to cause i know I'll go to prison for something I didn't do, my mind was making decisions on its own and i was just following it.


"TRY ME!!! I'M NOT GOING TO JAIL FOR SOMETHING I DIDN'T DO!!!" "Come on Hope...think....where is somewhere you can go and hide...." I think for a second then I see an alley way and sprinted down it, hearing the police cars stop and the officers follow me down here, I looked around seeing a sign saying "123 Slaughter me Street" I didn't know what it meant by that but I ran into the building and went up the stairs until I got to the roof.

I could see the police down there trying to find me, I took a deep breath and held my chest, I was puffed out and tired. "Well that's my exercise for the how do I get away with them still down th-" I heard a big crack and felt the roof floor give out and i fell down, Blackness consuming me and pain in my left ankle.

(The games have begun....)

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