The Beginning

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I remember my parents, even after all these years. I remember the warmth and love radiating off of them, making me feel protected. Then there was screaming as cold gloved hands ripped me away from my mother and father arms. My ears rung as two loud banging noises sounded off from behind me. The screaming stopped. I start sobbing and thrashing in the arms of my captor. I knew this day would come, Mommy and Daddy's scientists told me that they would take me away because I was special. Now all I wish for is a normal life. Reality was literally thrown at me as I was tossed on the floor of a small, clean room. A metallic collar was now around my neck. I started to feel drained. The last thing that I remember before I slipped into the world of dreams was a blanket being tucked around my frail, shivering three year old body.

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