Day 1: The Persuasion

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My eyes snap open as the door begins to unlock. I grabbed the blanket and scampered over to the farthest corner, wrapping myself in a protective cocoon. A tall, strong but skinny man steps in, he is wearing a white lab coat over a black shirt and pants.He flashed a soft smile at me, showing of dangerous canines as maroon eyes narrowed in on my own shaking figure.
"Come on little one, I won't hurt you, I'm justing going to move you to a better room", he cooed softly: crouching lower to my level.
I withdraw into the safety of the blanket; something nagging in my brain is telling me not to trust this man.
"The new room is warmer than this old room and it has it's own bed for you to sleep on instead of the floor.", He looked at me hopeful.
I shake my head, even as I rub my hands together for warmth, " is mm..y Mum an..d Dad" I stutter as my teeth clack together.
He looked at me sadly and sat on the floor right next to me.
"I'm so sorry, little one; but there gone."
I look up I'm confusion, what did he mean by that they were gone.
"What do you mean there gone?" I question.
He picked me and helded me close to his chest.
"Thier gone,dead,never coming back" He states bluntly, holding me closer as his strokes my hair.
"Nnnoo, tthhats not true, theyy always coome bbaack." I sob as I start to finally comprehend the meaning of his words. I start to fight in his gasp, hitting his arms and kicking his chest. It didn't even seem to phase him, he stood up and started to carry me out of the room. Two lefts and a right and we arrive at a room marked 7. He opens the door and turns on the light, there was a small bed placed in the center. He layed me on the bed and left. I crawled under the sheets and closed my eyes, before I know it I was asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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