Drugs & Candy - Sheith Angst

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Why why why

Why is everything like this

It was always like this, Keith

First your mother

Then your father

And then him

He promised to stay

You thought he might stay

But then he left ... just like everybody else.

And you couldn't do anything, Keith.

He left with a smile.

Memories and dark thoughts clouded Keith's mind. He was finally reunited with Shiro, only for Shiro to leave again. But this time, Shiro could've never returned. And Keith was aware of this. As he watched, cried, and numbed; the love of his life, the man that changed him. He was still smiling up at Keith as he was in his lap while he sobbed.

"Shiro, no! You can't die yet! You just can't! We haven't talked about the meaning of life yet! We haven't gazed up at the stars from a hillside yet! We haven't had so many firsts yet! Shiro, you can't do this to me!"

Keith continued to sob.

"Keith, you have to let me go," those were Shiro's last words; the words Keith never took.

(A/N : starting off with some a n g s t)

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