The Beach - Sheith

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            "Wow, what a buff, handsome man!" Keith gleamed as his boyfriend strolled down to their shared living room in swimming trunks and a baseball shirt. Shiro grimaced, "Keith, it's too early for this." Keith just snickered at his comment. They were going to hit the beach with some of their friend : Hunk, Shay, Matt, Pidge, Lance, Allura, and the father of the group, Coran. "You know, you can take of that shirt. No one will judge you," Keith softly told his lover, then continued on to say, " if they dare, I will beat the crap out of them."

           Keith held a stance; chest puffed out, knees slightly bend, and a serious look on his face. Shiro lightly chuckled at the shorter male's threat to a hypothetical situation; it made him so happy that he would say that, even if he tried to hide it behind his, "Stop being aggressive, you short gay," commands. "Keith, there is no need to be aggressive," he tried to reason, but Keith wasn't having any of it. His face turned soft as he was scared by the fact that he may have upset Shiro. Or brung up something from the past. Was he already letting go of his self consciousness? Did Keith bring it back? So many thoughts were racing through the younger male's head. Shiro took a notice and walked to face Keith. He put his left hand on his shoulder, hoping it would bring him out of his state of over thinking; ever since Shiro explained the scars and his insecurity to the small male, he's been extra protective. The muscular male was right, Keith got out of his trance quite quickly. 

        "Keith, please stop over thinking, just kiss me," Shiro said softly. Keith just nodded and smiled as he got on tip toes to plant a kiss on Shiro's lips. They both smiled into the kiss. "Come on, let's get to the beach. We don't want tp be called out like we did last week at the coffee shop," Shiro softly spoke as they pulled away. They walked out of their shared flat, hand in hand. (after they double checked that they had everything and both of their keychains.)   

(A/N: have some softness)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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