Chapter Six: When Dreams become Reality

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Monday Mornings are just a brewing ground for negativity. Nobody wants to be at Riverdale High, especially when they're being forced to learn about Shakespeares classics or Darwin's theory of evolution. Betty Cooper, however, was excited for her two best friends to properly meet, she had basically spent her entire weekend catching up with Jughead, they had managed to move past all awkwardness and were now getting along. It was Betty and Jughead, back and better than ever. 

She strode into the entrance corridor with a stride of pride, she was excited for the day in front of her but one small thing stood in her way. Well, not that small, as the person standing dead center of the corridor was Riverdale's redheaded heartthrob, Archie Andrews. "Betty! Hey!" He was talking to her again, a look of confusion struck Betty's face until she remembered what Jughead had told her on Friday evening. At the time, she had brushed it off her shoulder thinking it was just some practical joke that she just happened to be the culprit of but now that Archie was talking to her out of the blue, realized that it just had to be true. 

"Hi Archie," Betty nervously stuttered, he had been on her crushing list since freshman year, after all, she and Veronica had been totally obsessed with him, stalking his every move online and offline, writing page long rants about him in her top-secret diary. She was one and truly head over heels in love with Archie Andrews and now there was a very strong possibility that Archie liked her back.

"So I was thinking about hitting Pops tonight, except the majority of the team is busy so I figured, I'd ask the prettiest girl in school!" Archie gave her a wink, she had seen him pull that with Cheryl before but was still excited that he thought of her as pretty, even if it was just a line being pulled out of a hat.

"I'd love to come," Betty smiled at him before quickly heading off to her locker which Veronica had been standing against, staring the whole time, obviously now ready to question Betty on why Archie had stopped and talked to her. After the first incident at  Pops, Veronica was determined to prove that Betty had been hiding something from her. 

"So you're offline all weekend and now you're being stopped by Archibald Andrews for the second week in the row, what is up with you two now? Or was he just asking about Jughead again?" Veronica tried to smile but Betty could sense that it wasn't genuine. Veronica hadn't said much about what happened between her and Archie over summer, but by her sudden hatred towards him, Betty had a grand assumption that it hadn't ended very well.

"Just to clarify, I wasn't with Archie at all over the weekend, I was reestablishing my friendship with Jughead... as for the Archie thing, he just came over and invited me to dinner at Pops with I gratefully accepted!" Betty said, checking her iconic ponytail in the mirror that hung in her locker before grabbing her books for first and second period. She looked over at Veronica who was now staring spitefully at Archie, clenching her fist together as if she was about to strike him straight in the head. "V!" Betty raised her voice to grab Veronica's attention back. Luckily, it worked and the two started making their way to their first class, Veronica staying silently furious and Betty trying not to smile too much. 

"Look, Betty," Veronica finally broke her streak of silence, "Archie's nice, I know that but he had alternate motives with me and there's a strong chance he may be doing the same to you. I know you've liked him for ages and that he was basically your first crush so I'm not going to say anything that changes your mind on him, you need to figure this out for yourself, just know that just because I stay silent throughout whatever your relationship with him progresses to be, doesn't mean I'm jealous. I'm not trying to steal him from you, I'm not being petty towards you, I have no issue whatsoever on the two of you being together, I just... don't want to see my best friend get hurt by the same guy who hurt me." 

And at that moment, almost if it was perfectly timed, Kevin popped between the two girls. "Betty. Veronica. How are we this fine Monday morning?" He said, breaking the now awkward silence that Veronica's monologue had created. Betty brushed it off her shoulder if Veronica meant what she said it meant that she was trying to look at Betty and Archie with an open mind and Betty knew that that would be the best thing at this moment in time. 

Betty had no clue where this date with Archie would lead to, all she knew is that she would soon be on a date with Archibald Andrews, her dream afterschool outing since freshman year. All her dreams would soon come true and she honestly couldn't wait. "I'm fine Kev, actually, I'm absolutely amazing!" Betty exclaimed her words excitedly, now she just couldn't wait for the day to be over so she could see her little freshman dream laid out for her in a booth in pops. 

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