Pants are missing

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'the tide is high, but I'm holding on.

I'm gonna be your number one.

I'm not the kinda girl, who gives u-'

The song for my alarm rings out at 6:00am. I groan as I lazily stretch, making my way out of bed.

I mope around my room as the cold air dances around my skin, goose bumps making their appearance as they try to keep me warm.

Monday, the day everyone hates. The day that starts off a week that we all hope to enjoy. A day that pisses you off, even though it's just another day out of the week.

Again I stretch lazily with a loud yawn. I look at myself in a full body length mirror and grimace at my appearance.

My mid back length brown hair sits on top of my head... with out being tied up in any way. My usually tan skin looks much paler due to the cold air and my face resembles a zombie while I still try to wake myself up.

I'm not sure why the ducted heaters are not at this time in the morning but I'm sure a nice, steaming hot shower will do the trick to wake me up.

I grab my clothes and other necessary items for my shower and head for the bathroom. I run there and quickly turn the shower on, get undressed and hop in.

The water was too hot, so I jump to the side of the shower trying not to get hit by the streaming water. The water turns warm but as soon as I get fully under again it's freezing cold, I yelp as my teeth chatter vigorously. I turn the knobs and set the temperature perfectly, only a little hotter than usual.


Half an hour later I'm washed, dressed and smelling great.

My mum and dad aren't up yet, they won't be until 7:00am, so I decide to make breakfast, my twin sister soon joins me, we are both talented in the kitchen since our dads a chef. Our mum however is the boss for a modeling company. They are complete opposites, but they are so in love and one day, I hope to have a love like theirs.

"Lara, can you please pass me the eggs?" I say as I flip bacon around on the frying pan. Lara just nodded and walks to the fridge and tosses them behind her straight at me, she starts slicing the fresh bread.

The thing with Lara and I, is that we work well as a team, we are so in sync you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between us. and we love it!

"Good morning Lara! good morning Tara!" My mother chirps from behind us. "mmm, something smells delicious" my dad groaned "ew, dad, where is your shirt... AND YOUR PANTS!?!" I yell. Lara and I cringe as our dad stands there only in boxer briefs *shudder*

Mum gently taps dad on the butt as he seductively growls at mum. Lara looks at me and our horrified faces look identical.

"That" "is" "so" "gross" we say in union. Our parents laugh, letting us know that they are only mucking around.

"Lara, how about you go get ready for school, so then We can leave these children to have some alone time?" I say to Lara with an amused smile.

"Us? children?" My overly under dressed father whines. I just smirk and start laughing to myself as I hand them their breakfast.

Lets be honest here. Lara and my parents do act like children 80% of the time. Lara and I don't mind it either, it keeps us all entertained, and connected as a family.

Lara comes out to the kitchen freshly showered and dresses with her bag packed.

"Bye mum! bye dad!" we both yell at the same time at the door on our way to Lara's car.

We know they heard us. but they are probably doing things that involve dad not wearing anything, including his underwear! again.... Shudder.

I sigh as I get in the car. school, here we come!

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